Walkway is Open
Posted August 2, 2017 at 2:37 pm by Tim Dustrude
Walking from place to place in town just got a lot easier. The walkway between Spring Street and Blair Avenue via the new parking lot and Elsworth Avenue has just opened. Going from this section of town up to the post office, Islander’s Bank or Tina’s Tacos for example is now a much more direct route.
Some fencing still needs to be finished up but the pathway is there.
Kudos to the Town of Friday Harbor for re-opening this much needed pathway!
Edit: In case you missed the story about this walkway and the new parking lot, it should be mentioned that the town signed a 5 year lease with the new property owner. This lease is for the parking lot and walkway. However after one year, if the property owner decides to develop the land, the Town’s lease can be terminated.

This photo is shot from the end of the new parking lot, looking toward Earthbox Hotel along the back side of Carquest – SJ Update photo
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Categories: Community, Transportation
Miss you,…. Browne Lumber….forever.
No reason for this access to have been closed to public use.
Hurray!! Let’s enjoy it while we have it. Maybe if the land owners see how much we love it and use it they’ll make it a permanent path.
Woo Hoo! It’s great having shortcuts through town. Thanks Friday Harbor Town Council, Mayor and Staff.
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