Berries for Dessert!
Posted September 21, 2017 at 5:48 am by Tim Dustrude
Have you decided against growing berries because you think your garden isn’t big enough? Surprisingly, a relatively small area can yield plenty of strawberries, blueberries, or raspberries for delicious preserves and desserts.
Join Dr. Lisa DeVetter, WSU Assistant Professor of Small Fruit Horticulture, at the San Juan County Master Gardeners Annual Gardening Workshop to learn about growing berries in your backyard. Her topic, “Berry-ed Treasure,” covers all you’ll need to know to make the pictures above a reality.
The PNW offers an ideal environment for berry growing. Some are easy and require little from the gardener; other berries are a bit more demanding. Learn how to prepare your site, what varieties to select, when to plant, and good horticultural practices for berry success, including irrigation, fertilization and pruning. Be ready to plant your berry garden next spring!
The Annual Gardening Workshop is a day-long event, with noted authorities speaking on a wide variety of topics of interest to PNW coastal gardeners. Multiple choices allow you to plan your day to attend workshops of interest to you. The keynote speaker is Linda Gilkeson, noted Entomologist and gardening author, speaking on “Resilient Gardens in a Changing Climate.” Additional workshops include planting for pollinators, testing and fertilizing your soil, restoring island wildflowers, dealing with wireworms, growing fruit trees, small space vegetable gardens, camellias in our climate, and gardening with children.
Visit for complete descriptions of each workshop.
Purchase tickets here. Tickets are $40 online, $45 at the door. Advance purchase recommended.
San Juan County Master Gardeners Annual Gardening Workshop
Presented by the Master Gardener Foundation of San Juan County in Cooperation with San Juan County Washington State University Extension
October 7th, 8:30 – 4:30
Friday Harbor Middle School
85 Blair Avenue
Friday Harbor, San Juan Island
The Annual Gardening Workshop is presented by the Master Gardener Foundation of San Juan County in Cooperation with the San Juan County Washington State University Extension.
Reasonable accommodations will be made for persons with disabilities and special needs who contact the WSU San Juan County Extension office at 360-370- 7663 or at least two weeks prior to the event.
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Categories: Education, Lifestyle, Recreation
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