Island Senior: Time to Vote At The Mullis Center
Posted October 18, 2017 at 5:50 am by Peggy Sue McRae

Mullis Center Operations Committee Plans Fun Events – Peggy Sue McRae photo
It is time once again to vote on board members for the Mullis Center Operations Committee. These are the people who partner with Senior Services, plan events and fun activities, keep the lights on, and keep the building busy and beautiful.
There are five positions open each for a three-year term. Ballots are included in the October San Juan Island Senior Signal newsletter or you can pick one up at the Mullis Center. Mail yours in or drop it off at the Mullis Center before the end of the month. Polls will close October 31 at 2 pm.
Four incumbents, Mary Michael, Bob Reilly, Sandi Ugrin, and Marion Wilkie, are running for another term. They have each already served one three-year term. There is also a position vacated by Janet Dann who is retiring from the board. Janet has served as a dedicated board member and officer and will be missed. There is a write-in option on the ballot for the fifth position. If this position remains vacant the Mullis Center will be looking for an interested community member to fill a temporary appointment until the next election. Interested people are invited to drop by.
Candidate statements…

Mary Michael
Mary Michael: has served on the Operations Committee for the past three years. Most of you will remember Mary from the Marketplace where she worked for over 17 years and before that, the San Juan County Bank for 15 years.
She enjoys volunteering on the Operations Committee, volunteering in the Senior Services Office two days a week and interacting with the Seniors. She hopes to continue working on the Operations Committee for at least another three years.

Marion Wilkie
Marion Wilkie: I would like to take this opportunity to ask your support as I seek another term on the Operational Board. The experiences I’ve gained during the present term will be an asset as the board continues to pursue projects like the building of new classrooms and meeting areas at the Mullis Community Center. I truly enjoy the friendships and opportunities provided me through the Senior Center and in a small way my service on the board is a way to give something in return. I can assure you that my intentions to seek another term are grounded in the belief I can make a positive contribution to an organization I value greatly.
Sandy Ugrin: Volunteering is wonderful! The Food Bank, Senior Services, Operations Committee Board and the Senior Services Council of San Juan County are my current focus. Past President and current Vice President of the Senior Services Council of San Juan County.
Operations Committee Board: First attended Board meetings in 2013 as a guest. Served part of an unexpired term and then was elected in 2014. Am on these Sub-committees: Employee/Contracts, Future Planning Leases, Policies/Procedures, Renovation, and Rentals. It was fun to do a Position Description for our Center Manager position along with accompanying papers. Research on non-profit issues that may have an effect on us. I really enjoy it all!! If you would like, I will continue to serve. (no photo submitted)
Bob Reilly: Bob operates the taxi service, Friday Harbor ‘RoundTowner. He has served on the board for the past three years. (no statement or photo submitted)
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Categories: Around Here, Community, Island Senior
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