Island Senior: Support for Family Caregivers
Posted November 1, 2017 at 5:48 am by Peggy Sue McRae

Beth Spadafora With Her Mother Dorothy – Photo Levy Ross
November is National Family Caregivers month and a time to acknowledge those among us who, whether it is for an aging parent, injured spouse, or a sick child are caring for loved ones every day and around the clock. You probably do not have to think very hard to come up with someone you know who is doing this. Don’t be shy to offer a hand. A trip to the store, a meal, a foot or shoulder rub… or just a good conversation can lift the spirits of a friend with what can sometimes seem like overwhelming responsibilities.
If you are an unpaid family caregiver of someone over 60 or disabled, a valuable resource our community has to offer is San Juan Island Family Caregiver Support. This support group is free of cost and meets from 11:00 am to 12:30 pm on the second and fourth Wednesdays of the month at the Mullis Center. Lucretia Devine facilitates the group. With her background in therapy, she brings insight and sensitivity to the complex issues caregivers face.
I asked both Mitzi Johnson and Beth Spadafora, two family caregivers, how they have benefitted from the caregiver support group. Beth cares for her elderly mother and since Mitzi’s husband had a stroke, she has been there to assist him. Both agreed that the sharing of information and resources has been especially helpful. The Mullis Center has a closet full of loaner crutches, walkers, wheelchairs plus our local Hospice has supplies and equipment to loan. Skilled professionals also visit the group, sharing their expertise in areas such as legal issues or insurance.
Said Beth, “I really encourage people to attend if they are in the position of being a caregiver. Being a caregiver is often a time of frustration and confusion about how to handle different situations that we may not personally know how to deal with. It’s helpful to talk with others who may have similar situations. Being a caregiver is full of challenges and among all the other things we must deal with, caring for ourselves is important too.”
The group also focuses on self-care for the caregiver. Knowing that you are not alone, having trusted people to talk to, or just listening to the advice of experienced people can help make life a little easier. For Mitzi, spending time with friends and for Beth taking time with her grandchildren are a few of the ways they care for themselves. Getting a good night’s sleep, eating healthy food, and getting some exercise are also important ways to avoid caregiver burnout.
If you are a family caregiver and are interested in joining this group, call the Mullis Center at 378-2677.
by Peggy Sue McRae
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Categories: Community, Health & Wellness, Island Senior
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