Meet & Greet Author Events
Posted November 29, 2017 at 5:49 am by Tim Dustrude
Griffin Bay Bookstore presents two upcoming events:
First it’s Flight as a Lifetime Passion: Adventures, Misadventures and Lessons
by John Geyman, M.D.
(note: click below for the 2nd event: Volcano: an A to Z)
Share John Geyman’s 58 years in the air as he talks about his book: Flight as a Lifetime Passion: Adventures, Misadventures and Lessons on Saturday, December 2, 2:00—4:00 pm. John will be at Griffin Bay Bookstore to jaw with customers and pilots, anyone with a love of flight. Don’t miss this chance to learn about John’s life outside of medicine.
John Geyman’s planes are the “low and slow” kind, including taildraggers, gliders, float planes andopen cockpit home builts. He has crossed the country east to west, flown south to Baha and from Alaska to Friday Harbor with a variety of challenges. For John, any day in the air is a great day.

John Geyman, M.D. – Contributed photo
About the Author
John Geyman, M.D. is professor emeritus of family medicine at the University of Washington School of Medicine in Seattle, where he served as Chairman of the Department of Family Medicine from 1976 to 1990. As a family physician with over 21 years I academic medicine, he also practiced in rural communities for 13 years. He was the founding editor of The Journal of Family Practice and the editor of The Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine. Since 1990 he has been involved with research and writing on health policy and health care reform.
Next up is Volcano: an A to Z and Other Essays about Geology, Geography, and Geo-Travel in the American West
by Neil Mathison
Have you ever wondered why Eastern Washington has so many canyons but so few rivers? So much black, volcanic basalt and so (apparently) few volcanoes? Only one stretch of the Columbia River was never dammed? In a reading co-sponsored by Griffin Bay Bookstore and the San Juan Island Trails Committee, Neil Mathison will talk about “Catastrophic Columbia” and his new book, Volcano: an A to Z and Other Essays about Geology, Geography, and Geo-Travel in the American West.
Neil Mathison’s writing explores the ways in which the physical world influences our lives. He muses on heritage, boats, and the sea; ponders how living in the shadow of a volcano shapes a person; and ties the physical world to deeper themes of human life, such as relationships and personal tragedies.
Monday, December 4th at 7:00 pm at the San Juan Island Library, 1010 Guard Street
About the Author
Neil Mathison is an essayist and short-story writer who has been a naval officer, a nuclear engineer, an expatriate businessman living in Hong Kong, a corporate vice president, and a stay-at-home dad. His work has appeared in Ontario Review, Georgia Review, Southern Humanities Review, North American Review, North Dakota Quarterly, Agni, Under the Sun, -divide-, Bellowing Ark, Pangolin Papers, Blue Mesa Review, and elsewhere. Born in Brazil, he grew up in Seattle, graduated from the US Naval Academy, and ultimately returned to the Northwest where he now lives and writes.
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