Island Senior: Drink up! The Importance of Staying Hydrated
Posted December 30, 2017 at 4:37 pm by Peggy Sue McRae
Island Senior is a regular column written by Peggy Sue McRae…
“Water, pure water, pure water for me. The drink of the brave, and the wine of the free!” These words are inscribed on a fountain in the village of Beauly in the Scottish Highlands. This is the village my grandparents came from. My dad liked to repeat these words to encourage my sisters and I to drink more water instead of pop or other beverages. At the time, we may have rolled our eyes while continuing to drink our Tab and Fresca but as adults we have repeated it ourselves and even had it printed on water bottles to remind us to drink more water.

Tall Glass of Water – Photo Peggy Sue McRae
Most of us recognize that drinking plenty of water is good for us. It may even be one of your New Year’s resolutions. Good! According to the Mayo Clinic “Water is essential to good health.” There is no exact amount to drink per day. Individual needs depend on a variety of factors, your health and activity level plus the climate where you live all factor in. In general, your thirst will tell you when you need water so keep that water bottle filled and remember to take it with you.
Water makes up about 60% of your body weight and again, the Mayo Clinic warns that, “Even mild dehydration can drain you of energy and make you feel tired.” Fluids are needed to lubricate and cushion joints, keep your temperature normal, protect sensitive tissues, and cleanse your system of wastes. What I did not realize but learned from Dana Brothers who spoke earlier this year at the Mullis Center, is that staying hydrated is especially critical for seniors. Dehydration can lead to falls especially for seniors who are on medications. Without enough water in your system you are more likely to feel unbalanced. Dehydration can cause changes in the effects of medications. Staying hydrated is a primary prevention strategy to avoid falling.
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Categories: Around Here, Health & Wellness
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I remember your dad saying that! Of course, I always did what he said.
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