Position Opening on Historic Preservation Review Board

Posted March 1, 2018 at 5:49 am by

Is every old building worth saving?

Brickworks before restoration – Contributed photo

Not always. However, by preserving some, we protect the visual fabric of our community’s character. By carefully rehabilitating buildings in a way that honors the original ubiquitous building style of their day, we preserve some of the architectural story that gives our community its authentic sense of place. With thoughtful new in-fill construction, we compliment the historic streetscape and welcome quality work that will become the historic land-mark of the future.

You can help
The Town of Friday Harbor’s Historic Preservation Review Board is made up of ordinary extraordinary people who volunteer their time to thoughtfully consider the past, the present, and the future of our town. They share their experience, research, and insight with property owners who are looking to fix up existing buildings or build new ones in the town’s historic overlay district.

We are currently looking for one person to fill a soon-to-be-vacant Historic Preservation Review Board position. It is open to anyone living on San Juan Island who is interested in local history, preservation, and community service. Applicable skills include personal, professional, volunteer or academic experience in preservation, appropriate building restoration, historic surveys and documentation, architecture, local history, community outreach, and other fields related to the built environment.

For more information about board duties and responsibilities, or to submit a resume, contact Sandy Strehlou, Historic Preservation Coordinator, Town of Friday Harbor, 360.622.2037 or sstrehlou@fridayharbor.org.

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Categories: Government, History

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