Registration open for 2018 Pod Nods at The Whale Museum

Posted June 27, 2018 at 5:43 am by


Pod Nod overnight marine adventures return this summer to The Whale Museum! These popular “pajama party” sleepovers are geared for children ages 6 to 11 and will be held on the following Fridays:

  • July 13
  • August 10
  • August 24

Pod Nods are led by Museum Educators with assistance from other adult professionals. Youth participants will learn to value whales and their environment through art projects, science labs, games, the traditional flashlight tour of the Exhibit Hall, and a bedtime movie. We promise a high adult/child ratio and a whale of a good time.

Participants will engage in crafts, activities, story-telling and museum exploration as they learn about our Marine Mammal Neighbors living in the Salish Sea. Each Pod Nod will begin at 6:30 p.m. on Friday with pick-up the next morning at 8:30 a.m. A bedtime snack and breakfast are included.

The cost per Pod Nod is $44 for children/grandchildren of Whale Museum members.  The cost for non-members is $49 per Pod Nod.  A limited number of scholarships are available.  Pre-registration is required at least two days in advance of Pod Nod dates to ensure a great experience for the Pod Nodders as well as a high adult to child ratio.

Please call The Whale Museum at (360) 378-4710 extension 30 or email for more information.  Registration materials are available at

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Categories: Education, Recreation, Wildlife

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