New Orca ID App

Posted July 12, 2018 at 5:49 am by

Want to Identify an individual whale?
You’re in luck, there’s now an app for that!

Hundreds of thousands of people come to the Pacific Northwest every year to take in our natural beauty, and with hopes of seeing our most popular marine life resident: Orcas (killer whales).

The Center for Whale Research (CWR) has been studying these magnificent creatures for 43 years, and we know each of these 75 whales expertly. And now, for the first time, there is an app available for the rest of the world to get to know them, too. So, for the 500,000 people who venture out on a whale watching trip each year and the thousands of others who choose to view the whales from shore, or for those who would simply like to learn more about our local Orcas, this app’s for you.

What’s so special about this app? Let us take you on a quick tour:

Let’s start at the beginning: The home screen features a photo of J32, a real jumper. From the home screen, you can review the menu options, then immerse yourself in the world of the Southern Resident Orcas. IDentify individual whales; learn about their tight-knit social structure (they spend their entire lives traveling with their family); learn about what they eat; see when CWR has been on the water monitoring the whales recently; and scroll through the 50 amazing gallery images carefully selected from our vast library of images, all taken from one of our research boats.

Oh, and did we mention, the app is FREE?
Available through the App Store -or- Google Play (search Center for Whale Research) -or- download it here!
CWR app – Google Play
CWR app – App Store

We would like to send a special shout-out to the CEO of Web App Clouds, Dilan DeSilva, as well as Priyanka Hema and others on the Web App Clouds engineering team for volunteering their time to build the Orca ID app. Thank you so much.

The Center for Whale Research is dedicated to the study and conservation of the Southern Resident killer whale (orca) population in the Pacific Northwest. With only 75 Southern Resident orcas remaining, there is a greater need than ever before to speak out on their behalf.

Center for Whale Research
355 Smugglers Cove Road
Friday Harbor, San Juan Island, Washington
United States 98250

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Categories: Animals, Technology, Wildlife

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