Annual Gardening Workshop: Operating Instructions for a Garden That Fits YOU
Posted September 26, 2018 at 6:30 am by Peggy Sue McRae

Life’s a Garden Party – Contributed photo
Would you like your garden to be a remarkable reflection of who you are and what you care about? To be a landscape that supports wildlife and creative exploration?
Join keynote speaker Lorene Forkner Edwards and the San Juan County Master Gardeners at their popular Annual Gardening Workshop for inspiration and truly workable ideas to create ‘a Garden That Fits YOU.’

Lorene Edwards Forkner – Contributed photo
Lorene Edwards Forkner is an author, editor, and passionate self-proclaimed ‘horticolorist.’ The author of five gardening titles including the bestselling “Handmade Garden Projects” and the “Timber Press Guide to Vegetable Gardening: Pacific Northwest.” Lorene is the editor of Pacific Horticulture, a magazine that supports the power of gardens to enrich life and help heal our planet. Lorene will be a contributing author of a new weekly column for Pacific NW magazine called GROW. She is passionate about personality-infused garden spaces and the beautiful, fruitful, and innovative landscapes of our region. Follow Lorene at and on Instagram @gardenercook.
And returning this year is Dr. Linda Gilkeson, last year’s highly regarded keynote speaker. Dr. Gilkeson will lead three afternoon sessions: “Common Pests, Diseases and Disorders of Fruits,” “Of Cabbages and [January] Kings,” and “Do You Really Know what the Problem Is?” Dr. Gilkeson is the author of “Backyard Bounty: The Complete Guide to Year-Round Organic Gardening in the Pacific Northwest,” the best-selling guide to vegetable garden success.
The Annual Gardening Workshop is a day-long event, with noted authorities speaking on a wide variety of topics of interest to PNW coastal gardeners. Multiple choices allow you to plan your day to attend sessions of interest to you.
This year topics include:
- Assessing and amending your garden soil
- Common pests, diseases and fruit disorders
- Pruning objectives and basic pruning skills
- How to create a sustainable, aesthetically pleasing drought tolerant landscape
- How to grow cabbage and its relatives for a year-round harvest
- Eating seasonally from your garden for nutrition and health
- Magical ornamentals: roses, salvia and the drama of foliage
- 25 tips to make you a better, smarter gardener
- How to determine why your plant is unhappy
Visit for complete descriptions of each session and our speaker’s biographies.
Purchase tickets here. Tickets are $40 online, $45 at the door. Advance purchase recommended.
October 20th
8:30 – 4:30
Friday Harbor Middle School
85 Blair Ave.
Friday Harbor, San Juan Island
Are you interested in becoming a Master Gardener volunteer?
Our next training session begins January 29th, 2019, in Friday Harbor. Training occurs every Tuesday from 9am-3:30pm through March 26th. Applications are due by November 1.
For more information, please contact Caitlin Blethen at mg.sanjuancounty@wsu.eduor 360-370-7663. Information about the program and what volunteers do is located here.
The Annual Gardening Workshop is presented by the Master Gardener Foundation of San Juan County in Cooperation with the San Juan County Washington State University Extension.
Reasonable accommodations will be made for persons with disabilities and special needs who contact the WSU San Juan County Extension office at 360-370-7663 or at least two weeks prior to the event.
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Categories: Nature, Recreation
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