Island Senior: New Classes Starting This Fall at the Mullis Center
Posted September 2, 2018 at 10:50 am by Peggy Sue McRae
Island Senior is a regular column on the San Juan Update, written by Peggy Sue McRae…

Stephanie Prima – Peggy Sue McRae photo
Three new classes are being offered at the Mullis Center this fall: Tai Ji Quan: Moving for Better Balance with Stephanie Prima starting Oct 4, Life Coaching with Sharon Hooper starting Oct 11, and Chair Yoga with Katerina Wen starting Oct 2.
Tai Ji Quan: Moving for Better Balance: I stopped by Stephanie’s Tai Ji Quan class to see what it was about and she very generously showed me a few of the basics. If you are familiar with Tai Chi, Tai Ji Quan may seem familiar and it is related but with some significant differences.
Tai Ji Quan is an “evidence based falls prevention program that includes slow, low impact, and controlled movements and body positions.” The program is designed specifically to improve balance. Along with improvements in the strength and flexibility needed for better balance the program has been shown to improve memory, cognition, breathing, mindfulness, and body awareness.
The course consists of 2 hour-long classes per week, or 48 sessions over a 6-month period. Because the sessions are specific and build on the previous sessions, new participants may join only in the first 2 weeks of the class. Participants will be assessed before and after the 48 sessions to measure improvement.
This class is especially targeted to older adults who have not lost their mobility but may have issues with balance, leg weakness, or falling. It is highly recommended for those in the early stages of Parkinson’s disease. The success of this program is well documented.
Tai Ji Quan sessions will meet on Thursdays and Fridays at 9:00 am at the Mullis Center starting Oct 4. Prima will also be teaching the course at the Dance Workshop 2 on Tuesdays and Fridays at 10:30 am. Registered students can join additional classes at a drop in rate of $8. The course is divided into 4 sessions. Sessions 1 and 4 are $95; Sessions 2 and 3 are $81. There will be a discount available for classes at the Mullis Center.

Sharon Hooper – Contributed Photo
Life Coaching: I met Life Coach Sharon Hooper at the recent local writer’s event at the Mullis Center. Sharon, a PCC, Professional Certified Coach, is the author of, From Dreams to Action: A Proven Method to Achieve Your Goals. Says Sharon, “Twenty years ago, a relatively new profession appeared on the horizon called Life Coaching. My joy has always been helping others, so I decided to attend a formal two year coaching course, get certified by the International Coach Federation and hang out my shingle.”
Maybe you are ready for something new but you don’t know quite what that might be. Sometimes our purpose in life can get a little murky. You may be newly retired and not be sure what you want to do now or possibly you have realized late in life that you need a new career to see you through your golden years. From Sharon,“I now invite you to join me in conversation and exploration of ideas. At the least, our time together will be interesting…at the most…it will be great fun!”
Life Coaching sessions will meet on Tuesdays from 3:30 to 5 pm Starting in Oct and running through Dec. The course is free to Mullis Center members but donations are always appreciated.

Katerina Wen – Contributed photo
Chair Yoga: Katerina Wen has been teaching yoga for over 20 years and brings us this special class designed to enhance the overall quality of life.Exercises are simple and can be easily modified for individual needs, they help to calibrate the brain, improve dexterity and even include eye exercises that will benefit your vision.
“This class delivers a wholesome system of gentle exercises very beneficial for seniors or anyone who might be facing restricted range of movement (whether it is disability, injury or illness). We will learn how to move our bodies with greater awareness and ease; the exercises are safe and restorative and will help you regain range of motion and confidence, a better posture and overall well-being.
“Everything is simple, easy to learn, combined with breathing techniques which support the health of our heart and respiratory system and promote relaxation and calming of the mind.” We need a minimum of eight students to offer the class, so please stop by the Mullis Center office or call 360-378-2677 ASAP to sign-up.
Chair Yoga sessions will meet on Tuesdays from 1:00 to 2:00 pm Starting in Oct 2 and running through Dec. Sign-up at the Mullis Center for one month blocks – Mullis Center members pay $6 per class, others pay $7 per class. Walk-ins welcome for $8 per class.
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Categories: Education, Health & Wellness, Island Senior
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