Island Senior: Time to Get Ready for the Mullis Center Holiday Craft Fair

Posted September 30, 2018 at 6:25 am by

Island Senior is a regular column on the San Juan Update, written by Peggy Sue McRae…

Mullis Center Holiday Fair – Peggy Sue McRae photo

Mullis Center Holiday Fair – Peggy Sue McRae photo

While it may still seem like summer can’t really be over already, believe it or not, it is time to think about this year’s Holiday Craft Fair. This will be the Mullis Center’s Second Annual Artisan Fair. I went last year as a shopper and enjoyed it so much that this year I’ll be going as a vendor. The Mullis Center’s dining hall makes for a cheerful, pleasant environment for shoppers and vendors alike. Held the weekend before Thanksgiving, Friday, November 16 and Saturday, November 17 at $25 for a table, the Mullis Center offers a reasonable alternative while supporting our island seniors.

Mullis Center Holiday Fair – Peggy Sue McRae photo

To find out more about it or to sign up, the person to contact is Anna at the Mullis Center ( or 360-378-9102) Says Anna, “We want you whether your passion is beading, quilting, or painting. Join us if you make cards, candles, jewelry, baskets, paper mache, or soap. Sign up if your creations are knitted, written, sewn, collaged, or crocheted. We’re looking for a wide assortment of local made arts and crafts.” I was impressed last year with the variety and quality of items for sale.

Be sure to put November 16 and 17 on your calendar to get a jump on your holiday shopping. If you are a craftsperson consider this venue and plan to join us. If you would like to read my take on last year’s Fair link to: Island Senior: Mullis Center Offers a New Venue For Crafts.

Mullis Center Holiday Fair – Peggy Sue McRae photo

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