Winter Break Closures
Posted December 31, 2018 at 10:09 am by Tim Dustrude

Photo courtesy of Dan Gold
Got a favorite restaurant where you like to eat? Here’s the scoop on who’s open and who’s closing this winter. After being open most of the year for (in many cases) 7 days a week, some restaurant owners choose to take a much needed break during the slow season.
Here’s an updated list of chamber member restaurants, compiled by Becki Day, of who’s open, and who’s not, and when. Updated January Restaurant Hours (PDF)
Bon Appétit!
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Categories: Business, Dining
The PDF you list says “January 2018”. Should this say “January 2019” or is this still last years list?
Thanks, Becki!
It is correct information, just the date is wrong. I’ll see if I can fix it. Thanks for the sharp eye LP!
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