SJINHP Accepting Applications for Teacher Ranger Teacher Program
Posted April 4, 2019 at 5:42 am by Tim Dustrude
San Juan Island National Historical Park announces that it is accepting applications for the 2019 Teacher Ranger Teacher (TRT) program. Teacher Ranger Teacher is a professional development opportunity for K-12 teachers to spend the summer acquiring new skills in experiential learning through a program provided by a partnership between the National Park Service (NPS) and the University of Colorado-Denver (CUD). Graduate credit, and a $3,000 stipend will be awarded for successful completion of the project.
The participant will spend between four and six weeks in San Juan Island National Historical Park developing a major educational project and participating in an online graduate course from CU-Denver. This year’s project focuses on the women’s suffrage movement, and passage of the 19th Amendment to the US Constitution.
The project seeks to understand how islanders felt about women’s suffrage generally, and in particular about the 19th Amendment. Drawing on Park documents, information from historical archives in both the county, Washington State and beyond, the selected teacher will work with Park staff to understand these issues, to document them, and to turn that research into curriculum that can be used by both the Park, and the teacher going forward.
Not only is 2019 the 100th anniversary of the 19th Amendment, it is also the 160th anniversary of the Pig War to which the Park owes its existence. This project will serve both celebrations, and will contribute to the interpretive work that the Park does now, and well into the future.
Applications are available by emailing the project coordinator at, or by calling (360) 378-2240 ext. 2227.
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Categories: Education, Government, History
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