42nd Annual 8.8K Loop Run
Posted July 31, 2019 at 5:47 am by Tim Dustrude
42 Years Running! Island Rec and Xtreme Fitness invite you to take part in the 42nd Annual Friday Harbor 8.8k Loop Run/Walk scheduled for a 9:00am start on Saturday August 17, 2019. People of all ages enjoy running or walking in this race.
Register for $25 for kids 12 and under and $30 for racers 13 and older. All fees include race entry, a free pass into the San Juan County fair, an event t-shirt, and Finisher Medals to the first 150 people across the finish line. Register online at www.islandrec.org, or in person at the Island Rec office, opened M-F, 11:00am-5:00pm, located at 580 Guard St.
Race number and shirts can be picked up the Friday before Race day at the Island Rec Office from 11am-5pm. Runner check-in and day of registrations takes place in the Wells Fargo Parking Lot, located on the corner of Argyle and Spring Street from 8:00am-8:45am. The race starts promptly at 9:00 am on the corner of Spring & 2nd.
Please contact Lili Lyne at Lili@islandrec.org if you are interested in sponsorship or volunteering for this event. Call Island Rec at 360-378-4953 for more information and registration.
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Categories: Recreation, Sports
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