Island Senior: Ongoing Classes and Groups at the Mullis Center
Posted August 31, 2019 at 5:51 am by Peggy Sue McRae

Working on a Puzzle in the Mullis Center Library – Peggy Sue McRae photo
Island Senior is a regular column on the San Juan Update written by Peggy Sue McRae…
Even while we cherish our late summer days there is a twist to the seasons this time of year. Kids head back to school and while I’ve been out of school for a long time I still feel the urge to get some new clothes and sharpen my pencils. September is a pivotal month shifting from maximum visitors and events to a little bit quieter and a little slower pace. What better way to enjoy local society than to take a class or join a group at the Mullis Center?
There are two wellness classes currently taught at the Mullis Center. Balance Class, presented by San Juan Physical Therapy, is held on Wednesdays from 1 – 2 pm. (Suggested donation of $5 members, $7 non-members, all are welcome regardless of ability to pay). Chair Yoga, taught by Katrina Wen, is taught on Tuesdays from 1 – 2 pm. “everything is easy to learn and you will leave feeling taller and exuberant” (note: no Chair Yoga on September 3, class resumes September 10, $6 members, $7 non-members, $8 drop-ins). There may also be a new Chi Gong class later this fall.
Have you always wanted to know how to play Mahjong? The Mahjong group meets at the Mullis Center on Wednesdays from 12:30 – 4:00 pm. Players have offered to meet individually with newcomers to the game to help get them up to speed. Would you like a game of Bridge? The Party Bridge group meets on Mondays and Wednesdays at 1:00 pm. and welcomes new players. If you play Pinochle get in touch. There is growing interest for a Pinochle group. The possibilities are endless. Fun Friday Bingo, a game following lunch on certain Fridays, will resume later, in October. A few volunteers would be welcome to keep this fun tradition going.
How about getting your creative juices flowing with a convivial group of artisans? Painting Group meets Wednesdays at 9:00 to 11:30 am, Sew and Quilt meets Wednesdays at 4:00 pm, and Knitters meet Thursday evenings at 7:00 -9:00 pm. Our new book club will meet on September 9 in the Mullis Center library at 1:15 pm. to discuss this month’s book, The Elegance of the Hedgehog by Muriel Barberry. If you’ve read the book you are welcome to join us. Our next book, to be discussed on October 14, is A Gentleman in Moscow by Amor Towles.
Finally, The Mullis Center is host to support groups. The Parkinson’s Support Group meets at 4:00 pm on September 16, The Caregiver Support Group meets on Tuesdays at 11:00 am on September 17 and 24, and the Prostate Support Group meets on Tuesday at 6:00 pm September 24.
These groups are open, welcoming, and free; taking up small donations for the use of the facility. For more information call The Mullis Center at 360-378-2677 or stop by the office at 589 Nash Street.
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Categories: Community, Health & Wellness, Island Senior, Recreation
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