Annual Homeless Count January 23
Posted January 21, 2020 at 7:08 am by Tim Dustrude
San Juan County’s 2020 Point in Time Homeless Count will be conducted on Thursday, January 23. Count organizers and volunteers work with local family resource centers, food banks, emergency cold weather shelters, churches, healthcare providers, senior centers, libraries, the sheriff’s office, and many other community support service providers to conduct the count. The count, initiated by the State of Washington in 2005 (RCW43.185C.030), is conducted annually at the end of January.
If you are interested in collaborating with San Juan County Health & Community Services and/or interested in receiving training please contact Ryan Page, Housing Program Coordinator, at either 360-370-0590 or
Last year, the Point in Time Count identified 67 individuals living outdoors, in vehicles, abandoned building, or substandard RVs/Boats. There were an additional 82 individuals identified who were living in temporary, unstable living arrangements, often with family or friends.
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Categories: Community, Government
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