2019 Year-End Awards Banquet
Posted February 6, 2020 at 5:50 am by Tim Dustrude

The top ten responders for 2019 (from Left to right but not in order of award) Michael Henderson, Dan Bacon, Steve Brumsickle, Brooks Friedland, Dwight Colley, Trevor Bolton, Francis Smith, Erin Graham, Margaret Longley, and Kyle Dodd – Contributed photo
On January 25, 2020, SJI Emergency Medical Services (“SJIEMS”) gathered to celebrate the achievements and service of staff and its approximately sixty volunteer EMTs.
Interim Chief Karl Kuetzing said “Our volunteers work really hard and enable us to perform far beyond what our budget would otherwise allow. Each volunteer deserves recognition. We try to highlight some of those accomplishments each year.”
Brad Creesy, former Fire Chief and current volunteer EMT cleaned up the awards table. He was both selected by his peers to be the EMT of the Year and awarded the Chief’s Award. His willingness to take on projects and step up to be a regular for a shift that has historically been hard to fill has made a big difference.
EMS added about ten new volunteers to its ranks in 2019. The “Rookie of the Year” award was awarded to Kyle Dodd. Like the EMT of the Year, this award is selected by their peers. EMS is appreciative for Dodd’s efforts and looks forward to his continued role in the agency.
Officers and Paramedics selected Herb Mason as the Officer of the Year, who has served 31 years with SJIEMS. Other recognition for more than 25 years of service each were given to Lainey Volk, Tom Eades, Debbie Grimes, Weyshawn Koons, Dan Bacon and Brad Creesy. These dedicated individuals contribute a wealth of history and tradition and show what a rewarding experience service can be.
The dedication of staff and volunteers is the most significant factor in ensuring the excellent service that the public receives. Superintendent Pamela Hutchins and Board Chair Anna Lisa Lindstrum recognized each of the volunteers for their service. Hutchins said, “We can’t do this without you.” If you see one of these fine men and women be sure to give them a smile and a handshake.
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Categories: Health & Wellness, People, Safety
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