Hunkering Down: From the Desk of Jay Inslee
Posted March 24, 2020 at 11:57 am by Peggy Sue McRae

Governor Inslee says “Stay Home”
To defeat COVID-19, we’re hunkering down.
Last night, I issued an order to every Washingtonian: “Stay home, stay healthy” for at least the next two weeks. Let me take a moment to explain to you why and what it means.
Washingtonians are required to stay home unless they need to pursue an essential activity. All gatherings are banned for social, spiritual, and recreational purposes, and all businesses are closed except for essential businesses.
We made this order to protect our friends, families, and communities from the spread of COVID-19. The more people who stay home, the more lives we’ll save. That part is simple and clear.
While this order means we are strictly limiting our physical interactions with one another, I want to make an important point about what you can still do. You can go outside to go to the grocery store, for a medical appointment, or for essential work duty. And because enjoying the outdoors is critical to supporting your mental health, you can still go for a walk or a bike ride or garden in your yard. And this is absolutely the time to call your loved ones or video chat with an old friend.
This is a challenge unlike anything we’ve ever seen. But we’ll persevere together, as Washingtonians, united in the fight of our lives.
Very truly yours, Jay Inslee
Learn More: Washington State Coronavirus Response (COVID-19)
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Categories: Around Here, Government, Health & Wellness
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