Deb Langhans Offers A Special Invitation…

Posted April 3, 2020 at 5:49 am by

Deb has added a quick addendum to this announcement…

Hello again, Islanders! Due to current “Zoombombing” & possibly still unresolved privacy issues during Zoom meetings, I’ve decided to keep researching online options for the “ITM Circle” I proposed in the posting (below), I’m hoping those interested in the Circle will still contact me so I can update everyone once I determine which online service will be the safest for us. I’m also grateful for any suggestions about that!
My best, D.L.~

In 1946, celebrated Austrian psychiatrist, Holocaust survivor and author Viktor Frankl wrote: “Everything can be taken from [us] but one thing: the last of the human freedoms — to choose [our] attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose [our] own way.”

Over these months since the coronavirus first began ravaging our planet, and amidst the staggering predictions of probable deaths this month alone, numerous people are “choosing their attitude” and finding creative and compassionate ways of supporting and uplifting other suffering beings, sometimes even at their own peril.

I recently wrote to my Journeys To Healing clients that, while this current “shrinking of our universe,” (aka lockdown and social distancing order) forces a “closing down” on numerous levels, it also offers an “opening up” of time and space–an opportunity for venturing within and rediscovering our most precious values and priorities; for addressing all sorts of unfinished business around and within us. That’s actually a blessing for which we can choose to be grateful.

Deb Langhans – Contributed photo

Whether it’s dealing with our temporary confinement or more serious issues like threats to personal, national and even international health and economic stability, I believe Frankl’s words challenge us to draw from deep inner resources in order to create new and richer lives for ourselves amidst this present calamity.

It’s with this “glass half full” perspective that I recently felt motivated to create an opportunity for islanders to “safely gather” online and share some of the depth and breadth of our present moment with fellow community members.

You are now cordially invited to “ITM (In The Moment) Circle,” a weekly virtual gathering focused on growing mindfulness, gratitude, self-compassion and community connection; a “time out” each week to touch base with ourselves and our neighbors in a confidential, nurturing online space. And at least for now, ITM Circle will be fee-free to all who participate. (Donations may be requested down the line.)

As both facilitator and participant over the decades, I’ve repeatedly experienced the value of support groups: increased awareness of self and one’s common humanity, healthy expression of feelings, reduction of stress, anxiety and depression, connection with others, etc. I’m hoping this ITM Circle will encourage all those positive outcomes.  

Each weekly session will be offered on Zoom–audio only, so jammies, gray roots, messy corners et al need never be revealed! We’ll start each Wednesday @ 5 p.m.– and that could be as early as next week depending on response. Since Zoom has temporarily (and graciously) removed the 40 minute time limit for basic membership, we could meet for up to 60 minutes depending on the number of participants.

The format will include a brief check-in of whatever’s going on “in the moment” for anyone who chooses to disclose; “passing” is always an option. Most of the time will be spent sharing positive thoughts, feelings and experiences, challenges and lessons learned from the previous week… humorous and inspirational stories… and short adapted and original mindfulness meditations (that I’ll lead). The Circle will not include the sharing of interpretation or advice. Our focus will always be on creating a safe (confidential) and supportive space through sharing from the heart and listening with ears, heart and undivided attention. My hope is that this weekly experience will help participants share and process their lives in authentic, constructive ways during this current crisis, while also connecting with and supporting fellow community members.

If ITM Circle sounds like something in which you’d like to participate, or if you’d like additional information, please email me @ [email protected] and include your best contact number. Thanks for RSVPing to this invitation ASAP.   When a healthy handful of islanders have given their thumbs up, I’ll send out a Zoom meeting invitation to everyone’s email with the date, time and instructions for our first online Circle.

I look forward to hearing from you soon–first via email, and next hopefully via Zoom. In the meantime, may you and your loved ones stay safe and well… and may these incredible times encourage you to rediscover the truest and best in yourselves, for your own well-being as well as for others.

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One comment...

  1. Great article Deb; I find what you say the way to enjoy each day; I have always resonated with Victor Frankl’s story and words. I think what you are offering is of great service! We indeed must choose our attitude, and having support to remember that vital. I find if I ask, “what’s wrong with THIS Moment?” as Eckhart Tolle advised years ago, I can’t really find anything wrong; Distress for me lives in the past or future; so that is my work, my focus, for the team of wild horses that is occassionally, my mind!
    Good luck, and AND saw a Ch 4 special on Zoom bombing and the quick l00% fix advised was to have everyone use a new password (can be sent to list by you) EACH TIME and the war crawler program can’t get in. good luck!~ Pam Fry

    Comment by Pamella C Fry on April 14, 2020 at 11:40 am

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