Island Senior: Start Where You Are, Yoga For Everyone

Posted August 31, 2020 at 5:30 am by

Zoom Yoga with Katerina Wen – Peggy Sue McRae photo

One of the first things on anybody’s list of how to live a good life pandemic or not is to get some physical exercise. For me this can be a challenge in the best of times. Being quarantined by myself has made finding the motivation to get moving nearly impossible, nearly, but not entirely. I knew something had to be done and I knew I would have more success if I joined a class, even a zoom class, where I would meet with other people at a set time. I’ve always loved yoga as a way tune in to my body, mind, and spirit. These days, I could use a tune up in all three facets of my life.

The Mullis Center has partnered with Katerina Wen to offer a Chair Yoga class. This class is offered via zoom on Tuesdays from 1:00 – 1:45pm. I took my first complimentary class on Tuesday. Described by Katerina this, “is a special class designed to enhance the overall quality of your life. It is deeply gratifying to be able to move and breathe better again.” The movements are adaptable to individual needs, simple, and, “combined with breathing techniques which support the health of our heart and respiratory system”.  I enjoyed the class and signed up for more. Available by computer on zoom the class can also be joined by cell phone or landline. For more information, contact Anna Coffelt at the Mullis Center. 

I initially learned yoga from my long time friend Jeannie Turner. I spoke to her about re-establishing my long neglected yoga practice. She spoke about yoga in terms of relationship, the relationship between teacher and student as well as enriching our relationship with ourselves and how important this is especially during these Covid times when so many of us are experiencing isolation. Jeannie teaches a therapeutic class now via zoom offering adaptations specific to individual student needs. She also teaches yoga for all levels. Yoga, she says, “brings stability and ease into your life”. Stability and ease? I’ll sign up for that!

Contact Anna at the Mullis Center: / 360.370.7520
Link to: Friday Harbor Holistic Health
Link to: The Yoga Path

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