Island Senior: Thanksgiving Take-Out
Posted November 17, 2020 at 5:30 am by Peggy Sue McRae

Happy Thanksgiving! Photo/Peggy Sue McRae
“Island Senior” is a regular column on the San Juan Update written by Peggy Sue McRae.
Islanders are creative resourceful people.
For everyone’s health and to see our way through this pandemic, holidays will be a little different this year. That does not mean we cannot celebrate, enjoy good food, share with our loved ones even if from a distance, and appreciate our island community.
Here is some good news. The island’s Community Thanksgiving will happen this year. Adjusting to the times, it will be a take-out dinner!
From noon-3:30 p.m., Thursday, Nov. 26, at the Mullis Center, a hot meal — including turkey, rolls, mashed potatoes and gravy, sweet potatoes, Waldorf salad, green beans, and assorted pies — will be packaged for take out in two or four servings, accommodating families of two, four, six or eight.
Drive up and your take-out Thanksgiving dinner will be brought to your car.
There are plenty of opportunities to volunteer on both Wednesday and Thursday, Nov. 25 and 26. Workspaces will be set up for correct social distancing.
Here is the link to sign up to volunteer: Takeout Community Thanksgiving Dinner Volunteering. You can find more information on the Mullis Center webpage or contact Diana and Kevin Porter at 360-378-7035 or
If you are feeling especially adventurous, check with your favorite local establishments to see what options may be available for Thanksgiving take-out. They are sure to appreciate the business. These are tough times for our local businesses. If shopping the day after Thanksgiving is one of your traditions, support local businesses by shopping local.
Enjoy a quiet Thanksgiving. It might be kind of nice.
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Categories: Community, Dining, Island Senior
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