Possible Hospice Sale Sparks Concerns in San Juans about Changes in End-of-Life Care
Posted November 21, 2020 at 8:50 am by Tim Dustrude
The San Juan Update appreciates the opportunity to reprint this story about Hospice Northwest, written by Hayley Day for the Salish Current. We also refer you to a recent story about Hospice San Juan at this link in the San Juan Update. These two Hospice groups frequently collaborate in serving the needs of their patients…

Contributed Photo – Hospice of the Northwest
By Hayley Day
— Kathryn Clary’s father died of cancer 18 years ago on San Juan Island without hospice services.
A month later, she enrolled in nursing school to provide others the care her father didn’t receive.
“No one ever talked to us about end-of-life care,” she said. “I didn’t know hospice was available then. [My father’s death] was horrible to witness, as his daughter. I felt helpless.”
At the end of their lives, patients may choose to enter hospice and stop treatments to cure illnesses. They may take pain-relieving medication and prepare to die in the comfort of their homes.
Clary, who now works as a registered nurse (RN) for the nonprofit Hospice of the Northwest, said her father’s symptoms could have been managed better — if someone had offered hospice services.
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