Island Senior: Getting the Vaccine, Be Patient, Be Kind
Posted February 2, 2021 at 5:30 am by Peggy Sue McRae

Screen Shot of Eligibility Confirmation – Peggy Sue McRae
“Island Senior” is a regular column on the San Juan Update written by Peggy Sue McRae.
By now you probably know a few islanders who have gotten their first COVID-19 vaccine.
Once Tier 1b opened up to those over 65, there was a rush to get the shot.
Because 5,000 or so county residents now qualify, the approximate 300 doses that became available recently were snapped up like free cookies at a garage sale.
Basic access to the internet is the best way to find out about getting a coronavirus vaccine. Filling out a simple online questionnaire is how you know and confirm that you are eligible. That online tool can be found on the state’s “Find Your Phase” site.
If you are 65 or older, over 50 and living in an intergenerational household, over 50 and caring for a grandchild, you are in tier 1b.
Once you confirm what tier you are in, you then need to print out or take a screenshot of the approval verification documenting your eligibility.
At this time the demand for the vaccine is far greater than the supply. Here is the link for San Juan islanders to get an appointment. Here is where being patient comes in.
Chances are when you click on “Book This Service” you will get the message: “No available times.” We are going to have to be patient. As more vaccines become available this situation should improve.
We are requested not to call the county health department for information or appointments at this time due to limited staff resources being entirely devoted to the operation of the vaccine clinics.
Here are reliable sources offering updated information:
This whole process is heavily reliant on technology, which may be very challenging for some of our elders. Here is where being kind comes in.
If you are reading this article on the San Juan Update or the Mullis Community Senior Center Facebook page, you at least have access to a computer. Do you know someone who doesn’t have a computer? Extend an act of kindness if you can and offer to help them go online to confirm their eligibility.
We are in this together. We all will be safer as more of us get the vaccine. Be patient. Be kind. We will get through this.
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Categories: Health & Wellness, Island Senior
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