San Juan County EDC Hosts CAD, 3D Printing Course
Posted April 9, 2021 at 5:00 am by Hayley Day
From the San Juan County Economic Development Council
Those seeking to enter a new career or boost their job skills are invited to learn Computer Aided Design, or CAD, in a free, online class offered by the Economic Development Council.
Brett Paul, staff engineer at Luxel, will be teaching a five-week introduction to CAD, from 7-8:30 p.m., Tuesday, May 18 through June 15 over Zoom.
The EDC’s goal in offering this course is to help county residents gain job skills and obtain economic stability.
CAD is used in many industries, such as manufacturing and construction, as well as by scientific, craft and arts businesses. This course is themed on designing for 3D printing, but skills learned will transfer to other uses of CAD.
This program will be free except for a small registration fee which is refundable upon successful course completion. It is open to San Juan County residents interested in using CAD in their work.
Preference will be given to applicants who want to enter a new career, seek employment or grow their own business. Applicants must be 18 or over.
To learn more, contact the EDC at To register, visit
This course is made possible by the generosity of funders of the EDC’s Trades Training Initiative, including the Raynier Institute and Foundation, San Juan County, the Lopez Island Lions Club, the United Way of San Juan County, the Port of Lopez, the Port of Friday Harbor, the Town of Friday Harbor, the Washington State Dept. of Commerce, and other donors. To support EDC trades programs, please visit
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