Island Senior: Early Fall Happenings at the Mullis Center
Posted September 3, 2021 at 9:47 am by Peggy Sue McRae

Fall Color – Peggy Sue McRae photo
First of all a big “THANK YOU!” to the San Juan County Fair, The San Juan Island Community Foundation, and to everyone who supported the Mullis Center and other local non-profits during the Community Foundation’s 2021 Virtual Fair Fundraiser. Thanks to our generous donors support we raised $5,520! All money raised will be used to complete the final stages of the Mullis Center’s Green and Clean Capitol Improvement project*.
The Mullis Center had hoped to start opening up once a week with in-person lunches this September. Sadly, this darn virus has doubled down and we are back to masks, distancing, and meeting outdoors. To soften this disappointment San Juan County Senior Nutrition Program partners invite island seniors to a Drive-Thru Picnic in the Parking Lot. Come by and grab a fresh grilled burger, Hempler’s hot dog, or vegan burger with potato salad, fruit, and a cookie ($5.00 suggested donation) take-away/picnic style.
Also on the autumn calendar is our election. The Senior Services Council of San Juan County, San Juan District is seeking qualified candidates to serve on the San Juan District Committee, also known as the Operating Committee for the Mullis Community Senior Center. If you are interested in engaging with your community in a meaningful way you may want to go to the Mullis Center website where you will find more information and the application. There are multiple openings with terms lasting one, two, or three years beginning in November. Applications are due by September 15 and the election will take place the week of October 11.
September on the island can be especially beautiful. We get our fill of apples, plums, and zucchini. Enjoy the bounty!
Link to: The Mullis Center website
Link to: *Island Senior: Mullis Center Upgrade For A Green Future
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Categories: Community, Island Senior
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