Island Senior: Changes, and the San Juan Update
Posted January 15, 2022 at 6:11 pm by Peggy Sue McRae

Days Like Pearls – Oil painting tryptic by Peggy Sue McRae
Island Senior is a regular column on the San Juan Update written by Peggy Sue McRae…
One thing you can count on, things will always be changing. Sometimes we invite change into our lives and other times we simply struggle to adjust. Either way, it’s a skill just to keep your balance.
It did not come as a total surprise to me that Tim Dustrude would be leaving the San Juan Update. I’ve watched he and Shannon’s growing passion for their life on the open road for a while now. My hope is that someone will pluck this ripe juicy plum of a local online news source before it loses the momentum Tim has given it.
The San Juan Update began in 1997. At that time Ian Byington created a newsy, neighborly, upbeat online news source and bulletin board. Ian gave the Update its motto: “Some of it is news, some of it is old news, and all are just things we wanted to mention, with most of it about the things that make living here great.” These words have held steady as a guiding light.
Tim took the reins in 2012. With his photographer’s eye and web design skills Tim created the Update’s appealing look while nurturing a collaborative relationship with the Island community. In 2013 I started working with Tim filling in here and there and eventually substituting for him while he traveled and have for the past several years written a regular column, Island Senior.
Island Senior is collaboration with the Mullis Center to keep local seniors informed. During the pandemic this has highlighted classes that are now taught online, shared health information, local history, or reflections on becoming an elder. I’ve enjoyed sharing passages from my 18-year-old Grandfather’s 1905 journal or telling stories about my Great-aunt Ada’s Millenary Shop. Whatever the fate of the San Juan Update, we hope to see Island Senior carry on.
The San Juan Update has provided a worthy service to San Juan Islanders. Thank you Tim for the energy and time you have put into the Update. To you and Shannon, here’s wishing you the very best. Happy Trails!
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Categories: Island Senior
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