Island Haven Animal Sanctuary raising money for veterinary care and medications for sanctuary animals
Posted August 17, 2022 at 10:34 am by San Juan Update

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Island Haven shares news about their County Fair fundraising campaign.
Glo and Tallulah require medication for their Cushing’s Disease that amounts to $2,500 per year, and Bailey, Hans and Ruby need pain medication for their arthritis that costs $2,000 per year. Then there are vaccinations, preventative parasite medications, dental exams and filing (horses’ teeth continue to grow their entire lives), necessary radiographs, ultrasounds, blood tests and more. We are so fortunate to have amazing veterinarians like Harmony Veterinary, Cascadia Veterinary and Guardian Veterinary who are so skilled and who care about the welfare of our sanctuary animals.
Island Haven is raising money for this project as part of the San Juan Island Community Foundation’s 2022 County Fair Giving Campaign. Through this program, the first $1,000 in donations will be matched dollar-for-dollar by the Community Foundation. Island Haven is also eligible for up to $2,500 in bonus grants awarded throughout the fair.
To be eligible for matching funds, donations to Island Haven’s medical fund must be made during the four days of the 2022 County Fair – Aug. 17–20. Donors can contribute in person at the SJICF fair booth, on the SJICF website, by phone to SJICF at 360-378-1001, or by mailing a check payable to SJICF (dated between Aug. 17–20) with Island Haven Animal Sanctuary in the memo line to P.O. Box 1352, Friday Harbor, WA 98250. The Community Foundation will grant the raised funds to Island Haven following the County Fair.
Established in 2015, Island Haven Animal Sanctuary’s mission is to provide lifetime care for equines and farm animals who, while still able to lead a quality life, are unable to find homes due to disabilities or chronic or age-related illnesses.
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