Topic: Around Here

Homes to Arrive by Barge

Written on November 15, 2015 at 5:30 am, by

More homes arriving by barge for the Home Trust The San Juan Community Home Trust is on the move AGAIN! Two more homes are coming soon to Phase 2 of Sun Rise, the new neighborhood of permanently affordable homes now being developed by San Juan Community Home Trust. The houses, from Victoria B.C., will be  Continue Reading

Take the Arts Survey

Written on November 15, 2015 at 4:52 am, by

Diane Martindale shares this request for your input on arts… Dear artist or art supporter, The Washington State Arts Commission is updating its strategic plan and needs your voice to be counted. We want all possible perspectives represented. Feel free to forward this to your friends. The Legislature requires each state agency to develop a  Continue Reading

Dying to be Me

Written on November 14, 2015 at 7:10 pm, by

Rob Simpson invites you to the next Conscientious Projector Series event at the library. And note – this was reported earlier to be showing on Monday the 23rd – that is incorrect. It will be on Monday the 16th… Hello Almost-Holiday-Ready Islanders, Anita had gone from being a vital young woman, to a wheel chair, to  Continue Reading

A Word from Olympia…

Written on November 14, 2015 at 1:01 pm, by

40th Legislative District Representative Kris Lytton will be the speaker at the upcoming membership meeting of the League of Women Voters of the San Juans. The meeting will be held at the SJI Library conference room from Noon until 2:00pm on Monday, November 16, 2015. Rep. Lytton, recently appointed to the Governor’s “McCleary Plan Work  Continue Reading

Chamber Chat

Written on November 14, 2015 at 12:30 pm, by

It’s time for the November 2015 edition of Chamber Chat, written by Lauren Cohen, Co-owner San Juan Canvas, LLC and Chamber of Commerce Board President… Wow… it seems like we were just talking about our busy summer and here we are with the holidays right around the corner. The San Juan Island Chamber of Commerce Board  Continue Reading

“Painting in Pastel” Workshop at IMA

Written on November 14, 2015 at 5:35 am, by

San Juan Islands Museum of Art (IMA) is pleased to present “Painting in Pastel,” January 16–18, 2016, a workshop offered by international award winning artist and instructor, Steven R. Hill, from Lopez Island, Washington. The workshop is a comprehensive, hands-on and technique-driven work shop, where students of all skill levels will learn to use the  Continue Reading

Mike Chadwick  1932 – 2015

Written on November 13, 2015 at 4:23 pm, by

Mike Chadwick died peacefully at home November 4, 2015, after waging a three year battle with cancer. He lived a quiet life of devotion to his work, honor to his country, and love for his family and friends. He was born in Manchester, England in 1932, attended grammar school there, and in ’42 transferred to  Continue Reading

Island Artisans Raffle

Written on November 13, 2015 at 3:48 pm, by

It’s time for the raffle fundraiser for Island Artisans. You may have seen Rachel and Jana at Marketplace on Thursday – Island Artisans is holding a raffle to raise funds for their scholarship program and for the holiday sale at the elementary school to be held on the Friday and Saturday after Thanksgiving. Island artisans  Continue Reading

SJI Fire & Rescue Inducts 3 into Hall of Fame

Written on November 13, 2015 at 9:43 am, by

Sheila Harley, Public Information Officer at SJI Fire/Rescue shares this announcement… The San Juan Island Fire & Rescue Hall of Fame was created to honor those that make a significant contribution to the development and success of of the Department. Every five years the honors are awarded. The three new recipiants join the 22 people already on the Hall of  Continue Reading

Residential Building Applications to get “Lean”

Written on November 13, 2015 at 9:43 am, by

As Community Development Director Sam Gibboney prepares to move a new position in County government, she is coordinating a sea change in the application process for residential building permits. Gibboney estimates that half of the residential building permit applications submitted in San Juan County encounter delays because documentation is incomplete or required information is missing.  Continue Reading

Vietnam Veterans Reception

Written on November 13, 2015 at 9:43 am, by

Minnie Knych shares this recap of the reception held earlier this week on Veteran’s Day… Friday Harbor Grange #225 hosted Vietnam veterans at a reception held at the Mullis Community Center on Thursday, November 12.  There are 157 Vietnam veteran members of American Legion 163 and each was sent an invitation to the event. During the  Continue Reading

Educational Opportunity Award

Written on November 13, 2015 at 9:42 am, by

$2,000 Educational Opportunity Award Available from Friday Harbor Soroptimists Soroptimist International of Friday Harbor (SIFRI) is offering a $2,000.00 “Educational Opportunity Award.” This award helps women to overcome financial difficulties and better their lives through education and training. The recipient may use the cash award to offset any costs of higher education, such as tuition,  Continue Reading

Note of Appreciation

Written on November 13, 2015 at 9:40 am, by

To my island neighbors, I wish to thank the many people who supported and encouraged me during this past election.  I have new friends and a deeper appreciation of the many islanders who unselfishly devote their time and efforts to serving each other. I won’t be taking a seat on the 2016 Public Hospital District  Continue Reading

Gordon Steele Celebration of Life

Written on November 12, 2015 at 2:16 pm, by

Just heard that a Celebration of Gordon Steele’s Life will be held at the San Juan Community Theatre on Friday, November 13, from 4:00 to 5:00 p.m.

Successful 1st Quarter for SJ Puzzles

Written on November 12, 2015 at 5:46 am, by

San Juan Puzzles shares this update on where things are at with their new business… San Juan Puzzles President Levi Doenges was happy to hand out checks as first payments for the use of photos turned into puzzles sold thus far. These artists have offered their keen photographer works and paintings to make this business  Continue Reading

Chamber Member of the Month

Written on November 12, 2015 at 5:45 am, by

The SJI Chamber of Commerce announces their Featured Member of the Month: WaterWorks Gallery… History In 1985, Ruth Offen left her San Francisco gallery job and moved to San Juan Island. Facing an abysmal job market, she turned to what she knew best – art. With a leap of faith and a limited inventory, she  Continue Reading