Topic: Around Here

Learn more about the Broadband Initiative this week…

Written on May 13, 2012 at 4:24 pm, by

Here’s more from Victoria at the Economic Development Council: OPALCO and the EDC Invite the Community to Broadband Forums Join OPALCO and the San Juan County Economic Development Council (EDC) to learn more about the broadband project and to give your input and ideas at five Community Broadband Forums, on Lopez, Orcas, San Juan and  Continue Reading

And did you know…..

Written on May 11, 2012 at 10:29 pm, by

Little things you’ll feel better knowing: • MULTI FAMILY YARD SALE SATURDAY! Saturday, May 12th 9am-4pm Just unloaded a TON of great stuff, now its time to get organized and ready for the garage sale brigade! Tools in great and used condition, construction materials, hardware, computer equipment, audio/video, tons of romax/coax/cat5, cat cage and cat  Continue Reading

Running for County Council: Bob Jarman

Written on May 11, 2012 at 10:10 pm, by

A couple of weeks back I mentioned to you that Lovel Pratt has decided to stand for re-election…now she has a challenger. Here’s more about Bob, as he announces his candidacy for Position#1 (South San Juan): Bob Jarman, owner of Island Communications in Friday Harbor , will seek election to the San Juan County Council,  Continue Reading

FHHS: Ninth in the State

Written on May 11, 2012 at 7:51 pm, by

Proof we have a good thing going with our schools on the island – here’s more from Superintendent Rick Thompson: Friday Harbor High School achieves Gold Medal ranking as 9th highest performing high school in Washington State by US News & World Report San Juan Island School District is excited to announce that US News  Continue Reading

Watch out this weekend!

Written on May 11, 2012 at 2:17 am, by

The weekend has a lot going for it, and for you – let’s see what’s underway: • You can eat before the treat of seeing the show: Anna Maria says, “Coho Restaurant is offering another pre-dinner theater special with the San Juan Community Theatre – $25 – 3 courses including a few of my favorite  Continue Reading

Liesl (the one in the movie) drops by the island….

Written on May 11, 2012 at 12:11 am, by

Charmian Carr, “Liesl” in the film The Sound of Music, at Griffin Bay Bookstore Friday afternoon, May 11, 2:00pm Griffin Bay Bookstore is hosting a very special event on Friday afternoon, May 11, 2:00 pm with Charmian Carr, who starred as “Liesl” in what is considered the most beloved film musical of all time, The  Continue Reading

Update: FHHS Softball goes after playoff win

Written on May 11, 2012 at 12:01 am, by

Got this update from FHHS athletic director Rod Turnbull on Thursday – Go Wolverines!: Lynden Christian lost their game against Nooksack yesterday, so we do not have to play at Coupeville today.  We move on to the double elimination round of the District tournament as the #2 seed and will play Lynden Christian at 12:00  Continue Reading

The auction is this weekend!

Written on May 10, 2012 at 12:33 pm, by

+++++ Here’s a note from Caroline about what’s happening at the auction: Dear friends and neighbors, please join us this coming Saturday, May 12th, from 5 pm – 9 pm at the San Juan Island Yacht Club to support island scholars and scholarships at Spring Street International School (one person $25/couple $40). Backdoor Kitchen and  Continue Reading

In action on Thursday….

Written on May 10, 2012 at 6:57 am, by

Let’s look around: • Do you need a babysitter? You really want to get out, don’t you? Here’s your chance, from Jennifer Whalen: I was wondering if you could post the following for my EAGER 18 year old. She is looking to help families on San Juan Island with their child care needs. THANK YOU!!!  Continue Reading

The Children’s Festival….miles of smiles & fun last Saturday

Written on May 10, 2012 at 6:32 am, by

I’m glad Cyndi Brast took her camera to Island Rec’s 22nd Annual Children’s Festival last Saturday & caught some many kids & grownups smiling – it was a sunny day & a good time was had by all….

Remembering last weekend….

Written on May 10, 2012 at 2:50 am, by

It was a busy weekend, with all kinds of things going on, so Update reporter & photographer Tamara Weaver got out to check what was up (all photos by Tamara): +++++++ +++++++ +++++++ +++++++ ++++++++ +++++++ +++++++

Report the strandings when you see them….

Written on May 10, 2012 at 2:05 am, by

Here’s more from Amy at the Stranding Network: The Whale Museum’s Marine Mammal Stranding Network reports that there have been an unusually large number of harbor porpoise strandings since May 2. Amy Traxler, Coordinator of the Network, states that six carcasses have washed up on Lopez and San Juan since that time, with a total  Continue Reading

“The Sound of Music” opens this week at the Community Theatre

Written on May 9, 2012 at 3:23 am, by

I think this is one show you’ll be hearing about for a long time. I got to see the dress rehearsal, and it has got everything you go to a musical for….good music, strong acting, perfect costuming, a wonderful set, and a well-paced show that you’re going to tell your friends they should go see  Continue Reading

Around the corner, around the island….

Written on May 9, 2012 at 1:10 am, by

Looking around & what have we found: ++++++++++ TEACHER: Why are you late? STUDENT: Class started before I got here. +++++++ +++++++ • Here’s a new islander, just in time for Mother’s Day: Carter, Jennifer, Kayla & Kai are excited to announce the arrival of Saylor Virginia Whalen! She was born April 21st, weighing in at 7  Continue Reading

Dana Lyons comes to Friday Harbor this week…

Written on May 9, 2012 at 12:34 am, by

Here’s the word from Kirk – Dana’s coming to town! Hello again from Isle be Jammin’ Performer’s Showcase. Ain’t Spring great? Our next offering to you lovers of live music will be on  THURSDAY MAY IOth at 7:00pm. We will be featuring DANA LYONS, a gifted singer/songwriter, story teller and wonderful performer. Tickets are on  Continue Reading

The big fire was ten years ago…..

Written on May 8, 2012 at 11:18 pm, by

It was a surreal thing – to see a big chunk of the town you love going up in flames. On Thursday, May 9th, back in 2002, I had just taken my son to his job after school & then run back to the house when I got a call from a friend at the  Continue Reading