Topic: Around Here

As April moves on & May moves in…

Written on April 30, 2012 at 1:18 am, by

It’s almost May Day, but there’s still a little going on in this little bit of the month that remains – let’s check: • Charlie Anderson from the Community Foundation tells me the hospital‘s ribbon-cutting is set for November 17th, and the project is on-time & under budget – ready to serve folks come December.  Continue Reading

Passing: Lynette King Guard

Written on April 30, 2012 at 12:27 am, by

Yesterday was the service for a grand lady of the island…here’s more about her life & the impact Lynette Guard had on so many of islanders through the years: Lynette King Guard (Nammie), 89, passed away peacefully at her home on San Juan Valley Road, San Juan Island, WA, Saturday, April 21, 2012. With her  Continue Reading

Making things better….

Written on April 30, 2012 at 12:13 am, by

At times, islands come together to make things better. Saturday night it was wonderful to see some 150 or so people come together to raise money to make a scholarship in the late Dr. Marcia Zakariason‘s name…there was salmon, and music, and a silent auction & dessert auction, and there was time to remember what  Continue Reading

Come take my class!

Written on April 30, 2012 at 12:07 am, by

You’ve done it – finished that brochure or your website, telling all about what you have to offer. You show it to a few friends who tell you it’s great. Then you see them a few days later and they say, “I forget – what is it that you do?” There’s a way beyond this.  Continue Reading

The Catalyst! Celebrating Eighty Years!

Written on April 30, 2012 at 12:01 am, by

Here’s more from Shannon Bailey: Please join the crew of the MV Catalyst and Pacific Catalyst II Inc in celebrating the 80th birthday of the grand lady, MV Catalyst, in an Open Boat Party and Tour on May 5, 2012, 1 -5pm. The Catalyst, once the workhorse of the Chemisty/Oceanography Department of the University of  Continue Reading

Around the island….

Written on April 27, 2012 at 10:02 am, by

A warm weekend ahead for you & me – let’s take a peek around: • This is the last weekend for Island Stage Left’s “Someone Who’ll Watch Over Me” (tonight & tomorrow night at 7:30pm, and matinees on Saturday & Sunday at 4pm)…easily one of the best shows they’ve done. Don’t miss it! ++++ •  Continue Reading

As the path is paved….

Written on April 27, 2012 at 8:49 am, by

The Community Projects class at Friday Harbor High is at it again…this time they’re helping dig & pave paths around the San Juan Island Historical Museum. Here’s more from Update reporter Collin Williamson: Historical Museum Trail It’s where you have spent hours upon hours of summer time enjoying yourself at the Pig War BBQ on  Continue Reading

In the Thursday news…..

Written on April 26, 2012 at 1:47 pm, by

There’s always plenty to do on the island: • This is tonight at Lavendera – check it out: An Evening of Dreamtime: Curious about dreams? Would you like to spend an evening participating in various methods of dream-work and dream-play? New dream journeyers and veteran voyagers welcome. Please come join us April 26th 7 –  Continue Reading

The Good Lovelies are here this weekend!

Written on April 26, 2012 at 9:31 am, by

Anytime you get Juno-award winning folks to come sing with you, you know you’re in good shape –  Their self-titled full-length album release in 2009 not only won the group “New Emerging Artist” at the Canadian Folk Music Awards but also a Juno (Canada’s equivalent to the Grammys) for Roots/Traditional Album of the Year in  Continue Reading

What happened at school…in 1895

Written on April 25, 2012 at 6:48 am, by

When Fred Yockers told me at Christmas that he had joined the Historical Museum Board, I thought about how lucky they are to have this incredibly talented & creative spirit around. At that time he told me about his plan – to re-create the school experience from 1895 for kids, as a living lesson. The  Continue Reading

What’s up on San Juan Island….

Written on April 24, 2012 at 11:27 pm, by

Let’s take a look around San Juan Island: • Did you hear about the apparently albino killer whale in Russian waters? Here’s more: +++++++++++  • Here’s more from the Trails Committee for this month’s “Know Your Island Walk”: On Saturday, April 28, from 1-4:00pm, come meet Doug McCutchen, Land Steward for the San Juan County  Continue Reading

Remembering Marcia….this Saturday

Written on April 24, 2012 at 10:41 pm, by

It’s hard to believe it’s been five years since Marcia Zakariason passed away, and it’s great to hear that a group of islanders want to keep her memory with us with a scholarship – if you’d like to donate to this fundraiser, call organizers Diane Jangard at 378-6228 or Ginny Beaudoin at 317-5820, and be  Continue Reading

Passing: Lynette Guard

Written on April 24, 2012 at 10:21 pm, by

Lynette Guard’s memorial service will be at the Friday Harbor Presbyterian Church this Sunday, April 29th at 4pm.

Dining for Scholars – this week!

Written on April 24, 2012 at 9:42 pm, by

Looking for a place to eat? Here’s where you get more bang for your eating-out dollar – helping graduating students from FHHS & SSIS & GBHS make their college dreams come a little closer…see ya there!

On the loose….with an update….

Written on April 23, 2012 at 7:35 am, by

Update: Jamie found the horses! Here’s her report: Good news!  Horses were found this morning!!  They were happy to see us and trotted all the way home!! ++++++++++++++ Here’s the previous note: ++++++ Just got a note from Jaime Ellsworth…. Last night someone left our gate open by accident and my three mini horses escaped.    Continue Reading

At the Water’s Edge….

Written on April 23, 2012 at 6:22 am, by

Karrie Cooper & The Stewardship Network of the San Juans are presenting this lecture series: We are bringing an 8-part lecture series concerning our shared shorelines to Lopez, Orcas and San Juan islands. Part 1: At the Water’s Edge Lecture Series The Invisible Shoreline: A Video Tour of the NearshoreEcosystem Join filmmaker John F. Williams  Continue Reading