Topic: Around Here

The skatepark…even better!

Written on December 14, 2011 at 8:00 am, by

You saw folks working on it last week – the class project of Will Kromer, TK Kromer, and Jacob Jackson was to put in a new quarter pipe (that’s a skate thing)…they got all the permits & permission, the support of Island Rec, donations by local businesses, and the volunteers…and now it’s a reality! Here’s  Continue Reading

Newscap: Tuesday

Written on December 13, 2011 at 7:02 am, by

The ubiquitous PEACE bumper stickers from Duck Soup really ARE everywhere, including with the frosty cow & pig on Roche Harbor Road…it’s so cool Gretchen & DSI continue to offer them. They have been spotted on cars as far away as Los Angeles & Alabama. Photo by Tina Teilman (thanks, Tina!) ++++++++++++++++++++++ There’s a lot  Continue Reading

A year old! XYZ Movement Arts heads into the second year…

Written on December 13, 2011 at 6:48 am, by

Wow, it’s been a year already since Cynthia got XYZ Movement Arts going – congratulations to her & her crew! Yu can  join the XYZ newsletter by emailing Cynthia at zumbacyn (at) for a weekly update of class schedule and new workshops/events. Here’s a little writeup about what’s happening there: XYZ movement arts is  Continue Reading

Getting better at being wrong….

Written on December 12, 2011 at 11:30 pm, by

I know that the hardest thing for me to admit & say & embrace are the words, “I’m wrong.” Maybe that’s why this TED talk is, ultimately, freeing. Most of us will do anything to avoid being wrong. But what if we’re wrong about that? “Wrongologist” Kathryn Schulz makes a compelling case for not just  Continue Reading

If you like flash mobs….

Written on December 12, 2011 at 2:35 pm, by

This was at the University of Minnesota…keep your eye on the security guy. 🙂

Christmas ideas…

Written on December 12, 2011 at 9:09 am, by

I love this time of year because it opens my eyes to little gifts that are all around, and it makes me feel grateful…that’s how I felt when I ran into this little Facebook posting by one of my favorite island writers, Amy Wynn: Here’s some holiday traditions, some from my own days, some from  Continue Reading

Newscap: Monday

Written on December 12, 2011 at 12:58 am, by

There’s a lot going on! Get a clue, Lou: • Courtney Oldwyn has an idea for you & the kids next week – call her today: If you’re looking for something fun for your kids to do during the winter break, send them to horse camp at Blazing Tree Ranch! Dec. 19, 20 & 21,  Continue Reading

News notes for the weekend…

Written on December 9, 2011 at 1:40 pm, by

Bits of that & this, Chris: • At the presentation about Damanhur on Sunday, Keith and Ann Marie are going to take questions about some pretty esoteric stuff, including the Damanhurans’ experiments with time travel, manufacturing meat, psychic & spiritual studies, and more. Here’s the scoop for the show at 3 on Sunday. Keith remarks:  Continue Reading

Newscap: Friday

Written on December 9, 2011 at 12:07 am, by

Are you ready for the weekend? Let’s check, Beck: • Here’s the deal for the Santa sightings on the island – head to Roche Harbor tomorrow (Saturday) for their annual Block Party from 4-7pm, with the Roche Harbor Lighted Boat Parade on tap then. Then – Sunday the 11th, it’s the Lighted Boat Parade for  Continue Reading

Newscap: Thursday

Written on December 8, 2011 at 12:01 am, by

• Let’s take a look around the island, Myron….. • Good to see you at the Community Dinner at FHHS last night…big mob in support of the kids’ cooking, with special thanks to San Juan Pasta Company for the pasta & help putting it on…way to go! ++++++++++++++++++ • Brian & Rebekah at the Mystical  Continue Reading

Can you spare a little space?

Written on December 7, 2011 at 10:36 pm, by

The library can use a hand if you have a little extra space – Birgit explains: HELP!  The Friends of the San Juan Island Library needs a new site to sort and store donated books for our annual book sales. Our former sorting and immediate storage area in the library basement was permanently damaged in  Continue Reading

Winter’s coming…news from Shakespeare

Written on December 7, 2011 at 10:27 pm, by

You know how the music & words shape what we feel & say & do each day – it’s so cool when the poetry of our songs & verse says so clearly what is in our hearts & minds, whether it’s a cry of joy or singin’ the blues – that’s why it’s good to  Continue Reading

These are my ‘going out’ pajamas.

Written on December 7, 2011 at 7:55 pm, by

Courtesy of Jessica Hagy, Indexed

Dreaming, here….

Written on December 7, 2011 at 9:04 am, by

I’d have to say – I’m pretty excited about this. On Sunday, Filmmaker Keith Busha will be joined by Ann Marie Molnar (she works at Lavendera in town) who returned this year from spending three months living in Damanhur. Keith’s website can tell you more – much more – about Damanhur, and here’s the website  Continue Reading

Where are you eating tonight?

Written on December 6, 2011 at 10:24 pm, by

If you haven’t been to the Community  Dinner that’s offered at the high school by FHHS’ Food For Thought program, you’ve been missing out, seriously. Tonight the deal is from 5:30-7:30pm…drop by! I got a chance to swing by the kitchen Tuesday night to see what was cooking:

You’ll be in my heart….

Written on December 6, 2011 at 10:10 pm, by

A fave from Phil Collins: