Topic: Around Here


Written on October 24, 2011 at 12:42 am, by

Looking around the island…. • Hey, Spa d Bune has welcomed Shawnna Vert (FHHS ’06) back to the island – and they have specials set  with her for next month  – make your appointment now! Here’s more: Spa d Bune is featuring during the month of November complimentary scalp and moisturizing treatment with Shawnna Vert,  Continue Reading

Experience Lime Kiln….

Written on October 23, 2011 at 1:22 pm, by

Have you seen Tamara Kelley’s new video, made using photos & film from the summers at Lime Kiln Lighthouse? Here’s what she says: This video is of the Southern Resident Orcas. This is a follow up of “Experience Lime Kiln”. All footage was taken at Lime Kiln Park, San Juan Island, Washington. These Orcas (and  Continue Reading

DV Awareness Month….

Written on October 23, 2011 at 5:00 am, by

Patty Brightman shares: October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month Wear a ribbon, join the vigil! Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Services (DVSAS) and the S Club of Friday Harbor High School has planned several awareness activities: In commemoration of Domestic Violence Awareness Month watch for purple ribbons hanging around the town and find your own  Continue Reading

Back from Nova Scotia….

Written on October 21, 2011 at 2:14 am, by

Cat Bordhi is back from a trip to Canada, and shares what she saw on the way there & back, including these amazing photos – do yourself a favor & check out her blog: I just returned from Tancook Island in Nova Scotia, which is about the size of Waldron, has about the same number  Continue Reading

Heading to the weekend…

Written on October 21, 2011 at 1:49 am, by

Hope you get a chance to get outside & play….let’s see what’s up: • 20% off everything on the Whale Museum’s Web Store, till October 24th! Check it out! Great chance to stock up on gifts! ++++++++ • Can you help Griffin Bay High? Susan tells me that what with the budget cuts, it’s really  Continue Reading

Sew it goes…check it out!

Written on October 21, 2011 at 12:10 am, by

If you know a kid whom you tell ’em what’s going on & they say, “Sew what?” this would be a great place to start – sewing on Tuesday at the middle school, after school! Here’s more from Kay Kohler: “Sewing for All” has resumed in Room 12 of the Middle School on Tuesdays after  Continue Reading

The Safety Fair rocked!

Written on October 20, 2011 at 11:59 pm, by

A couple of weeks ago, the Fire Department put on this year’s Safety Fair, and it was awesome! But it didn’t stop there – emergency folks gave presentations & lessons at the elementary school the week afterwards. Here’s more from Update reporter Tamara Weaver: Some fun pics from Sunday’s safety fair, a couple of weeks  Continue Reading

There’s no place like it.

Written on October 20, 2011 at 10:31 pm, by

Thanks to Jessica Hagy, Indexed  

What’s up….

Written on October 20, 2011 at 5:43 am, by

Let’s take a look around & see what’s going on…. • Went to get a bite the other day at lunch & dropped by KO’s Subs…have you been there lately? Kenny is now offering hot subs, and the place smells really good because of it. Stick your head in, just to smell how good a  Continue Reading

Levy…coming up early next year for a vote…

Written on October 20, 2011 at 4:04 am, by

At next week’s  San Juan Island School District School Board Meeting on Wednesday, one of the agenda items is reviewing the needs that will be addressed by next year’s Capital & Tech Levy….here’s the details, from superintendent Rick Thompson: On the agenda for the regular school board meeting, you will see an item related to  Continue Reading

Arts Council has membership vote on Nov. 3…

Written on October 20, 2011 at 12:35 am, by

Teddy Deane sent over this news, from Jane Alden: The Importance of Arts to a Community The steering committee for The San Juan County Arts Council has selected a slate of candidates for its first ever Board of Directors, to be voted upon by the membership at its first membership meeting next month, November 3,  Continue Reading

Early morning to you….

Written on October 19, 2011 at 11:42 pm, by

Welcome to a new day, with a lot to recommend itself to you as a GREAT day. The key player in it, of course, is you – and as Dan Millman says, “Don’t just HAVE a great day – CREATE a great day.” So, here’s a Harry Chapin song I’d like to sing for you:  Continue Reading

As daylight savings time comes to an end…

Written on October 19, 2011 at 7:38 am, by

We have till November 6th before DST ends and it starts to get dark around five, but already islanders are planning the ways to keep the winter bright, with projects, chances for creativity, and at times, spiritual seeking. Our long, dark winters are great opportunities to get great things done, both outside & in. Seems  Continue Reading

Around the isle…

Written on October 18, 2011 at 2:06 am, by

The weather has been so great the last few days – did you get out? I hope so! Here’s more: • Courtney Oldwyn has a garage (or barn) sale to tell you about: Garage (in the barn if it rains) Sale, Saturday 10/22 8:00am-1:00pm @ Blazing Tree Ranch, 569 Blazing Tree Road. Kid stuff, household  Continue Reading

Artificially shorter weekends.

Written on October 18, 2011 at 1:19 am, by

by Jessica Hagy, Indexed

Come hear the CD live! Beau’s show is on Saturday!

Written on October 18, 2011 at 1:01 am, by

You’ll remember that a month or so ago I reviewed Beau’s CD entitled Well & gave it a great two thumbs up – well, this is your chance to see Beau live here on the island, with lots of other island friends playing as well: You can get all the details for the show here  Continue Reading