Topic: Around Here

Meanwhile, a fun vid from the Marine Labs…

Written on July 25, 2011 at 5:47 am, by

It’s always fun to see the island in the videos, movies & pictures people make with their time here…and it’s easy to see Monika LaPlante had a good time while she was here, with the video above, as well as her marine-themed eHarmony parody SeaHarmony (click here to see, or sea), and the Love Letter  Continue Reading

Helping a friend….

Written on July 25, 2011 at 4:49 am, by

Turns out that Terry Ogle is pretty sick…he has been diagnosed with stage 4 leukemia, and has begun chemo. A bunch of his friends & family are pulling together a benefit fundraiser on August 26 which I’ll tell you more about as the plans come together, but check out the Facebook writeup in the meantime  Continue Reading

The Coast Salish are here!

Written on July 23, 2011 at 9:27 am, by

They’ve come a long way, the old way…paddling across the strait from island to island. Over 200 tribes & bands are represented in this annual event (here’s the complete backstory from last week).

The Fly-In is today!

Written on July 23, 2011 at 12:45 am, by

It was a well-attended & fun event last year – so now it’s time for the Second Annual Fly-in & Open House – here’s more from Fred Schumacher: Release Your Inner Child at the Friday Harbor Fly-In and Open House Visualize a child’s fingers wrapped around a chain-link fence at the local airport, wide eyes  Continue Reading

Around the island…

Written on July 22, 2011 at 4:35 pm, by

Let’s see what’s up: • The Tease are playing at Herb’s tonight & Saturday starting at 9:30pm – I got to hear these guys over the weekend of the Fourth when they played at Roche Harbor, and they make a room of people get on their feet & dance…check them out -you’ll be glad you  Continue Reading

Links to look at…

Written on July 22, 2011 at 3:28 am, by

Here are some interesting things – see what you think: • Here’s the note that came with this amazing story from the Seattle Times: “Two weeks ago, we looked out our window to see a catamaran lowering something into the water.  The Captain called out that they were taking hi def underwater video……….to check their  Continue Reading

Playing visitor on our island…

Written on July 21, 2011 at 6:43 am, by

InHave you seen Waterworks Gallery’s Ruth‘s new blog? In it she discusses different aspects of the art scene between here and the rest of the Northwest, as well as what life is like in other ways. In her latest posting, she goes out for the day and explores our island home and takes a moment  Continue Reading

Nature calls…

Written on July 21, 2011 at 5:45 am, by

Amazing photos this time of year of the amazing wildlife here on the island…here’s some highlights:

Running on Empty….

Written on July 20, 2011 at 11:17 pm, by

Here’s one from 1977 by Jackson Browne that is one of those perfect poems about our ongoing struggle to find meaning in our days….

Wednesday’s tidbits….

Written on July 20, 2011 at 3:15 am, by

Let’s see what’s up: • The Animal Shelter is getting ready for next week’s Wags to Riches fundraiser, and there’s a little thing you can do to help – here’s more from Leslie: The Friday Harbor Animal Shelter is looking for rescued Dachshunds and Chihuahuas (and everything in-between) to run in the ‘ChiWeenie 500’ at  Continue Reading

Signs of the times….

Written on July 20, 2011 at 2:34 am, by

Looking around town & the island, seems to me you can get a little idea about what’s going on by checking the signs…for example: • You’ve seen the sign that was out front of Cattle Point Rock & Topsoil (they’re on Cattle Point Road on the hill, past the golf course turnoff)…Mildred tells me they’re  Continue Reading

Abbey Road…back again, with island musicians this time!

Written on July 20, 2011 at 1:32 am, by

Jan from the Community Theatre has more: Island Twist to Magical Mystery Tour When Georgia’s popular Beatles tribute band returns to Friday Harbor this week, they’ll add island talents to their program–and one of those talents even hung out with a Beatle way back when. Five local string and brass musicians will join Abbey Road  Continue Reading

Good read: ‘Joy” by Anne L. Watson

Written on July 19, 2011 at 10:42 pm, by

It takes a certain kind of magician to take a handful of different themes, ideas,  fears, and dreams, pull them all together and make a good story out of it. That’s what islander Anne L. Watson has done in her new novel, Joy. And, like good magic, I think you’ll find this book will delight  Continue Reading

Morning roundup….

Written on July 19, 2011 at 12:20 pm, by

Hey, glad you’re up & at ’em this morning! Let’s see what’s going on around here…. • Have you read Val Curtis’ Mental Chew blog? The part I like (since it’s about gardening) is that it’s centered here on the island with an emphasis on what it takes to feed the kids–and us–well. The other  Continue Reading

The Fly-in is coming this weekend!

Written on July 19, 2011 at 11:46 am, by

Fred Schumacher has the scoop: In case you haven’t heard, Friday Harbor Airport is hosting its Fly-In and Open House this Saturday, July 23.  It starts with a Pancake Breakfast and ends with a Big Band Hangar Dance.  Everything will be happening South of the terminal, with the entrance at the tower.  Parking is free  Continue Reading

How social are you, really…?

Written on July 19, 2011 at 7:35 am, by

Folks ask me me how to use ‘social media’ to promote their business kind of a lot. I tell them they have to read this little article, and then we can start. They always (always!) never call back. It’s that good 🙂 ….. See what you think. ++++++++++++++++++++++ Does your company really want to hang  Continue Reading