Topic: Around Here

An evening with ‘Tree Soldier’ author Janet Oakley this Friday….

Written on July 19, 2011 at 6:15 am, by

This will be a special event at the Library this weekend – here’s more from Griffin Bay Bookstore’s Nancy Larsen: Griffin Bay Bookstore and the San Juan Island Library are co-sponsoring an evening with Janet Oakley, author of Tree Soldier, on Friday, July 22, 7:00 pm at the San Juan Island Library, 1010 Guard Street.  Continue Reading

Monday on the move….

Written on July 18, 2011 at 9:45 am, by

‘Twas a weekend of rain & sprinkles & getting together around the island…hope you got out a bit! Let’s see what’s up…. • Whoa – the midnight show for Harry Potter’s last film in the series sold out in two hours on Thursday afternoon, so Thursday night’s kickoff was full, and the weekend was busy,  Continue Reading

On the island…

Written on July 15, 2011 at 10:39 am, by

You know it’s all around the bend….let’s check it: • Naturalist Debbi Fincher (right) wraps up orientation with this week’s Road Scholars (formerly Elderhostel) group before they head out to American Camp…the program that operates out of the Skagit Valley College/San Juan  Center here is one of the biggest in the state, and is run  Continue Reading

Kurt Wenner – opening at the IMA this weekend!

Written on July 15, 2011 at 7:38 am, by

Here’s a chance to meet the guy who makes this incredible art – here’s the deal, from IMA Director Jennifer Elise: IMA Museum and Sculpture Park is proud to announce the July 16, 2011 Opening Exhibit of Kurt Wenner – Master Artist Master Architect at the Museum in Friday Harbor Kurt Wenner, famous for creating  Continue Reading

Republicans gather at the Red Barn….

Written on July 15, 2011 at 6:36 am, by

This isn’t till next week, but here’s the deal, so you can get it on your calendar….Michelle Loftus tells me The Tea Party is sponsored by the San Juan County Republican Party but is “open to all who want to find answers to our community issues.” Here’s the scoop:

Around the island….

Written on July 14, 2011 at 1:24 am, by

Let’s see what’s going on: • Hey, you’re going to Farmers Market on Saturday (between 10am-1pm) anyway, so why not time it to see the local bellydancing troupe Sakana Rakasha…my friend Megan tells me this month’s show is at 11:30am or so, and the trio’s dance will have a tribal-fusion theme. They usually dance once  Continue Reading

Come hear Elephant Revival & help the outreach program at Lime Kiln Park…

Written on July 14, 2011 at 12:28 am, by

Well, here’s a good case of putting two good things together – remember earlier this year I told you how the Center for Whale Research was extending its outreach program at Lime Kiln State Park, with Erin Corra as the point person in the program (here’s that story, posted in April)…now there’s a fundraiser on  Continue Reading

Passing: Mike Hall

Written on July 14, 2011 at 12:05 am, by

Because I do a little bit of Internet stuff, I’ve gotten to know Mike Hall through Rock Island, and I gotta say, it was always a pleasure to work with him. He always looked after whatever I needed, and his expertise and straightforward way of problem solving made me glad to know him. Mike, you’ll  Continue Reading

Team picture at Roche Harbor on the Fourth….

Written on July 13, 2011 at 12:34 pm, by

One of the cool things about Roche Harbor is seeing so many local folks mixed in with folks who come to the island to work for the summer, all out in the sun…looks like the marina staff was getting together for a photo when I walked by on the Fourth, with everyone in their Fourth  Continue Reading

Music on the Lawn starts this week!

Written on July 12, 2011 at 10:48 am, by

For eleven years now…and still going strong. It’s one of the great things to do between now and the Fair – every Wednesday night at the Historical Museum. Be sure & bring a blanket or jacket (starts to get cooler as the sun goes down), and we’ll see you there at 6:30pm!

What’s up, pup….

Written on July 12, 2011 at 9:33 am, by

Let’s look around…. • There’s a bit of this going around: Seems to me over the past 2-3 weeks people have been telling me that they’re bugged by somebody – their kid, husband, girlfriend, buddy – who interrupts whatever cool thing they’re doing with a cell phone call. Having a nice conversation & getting interrupted  Continue Reading

Around the rock….

Written on July 12, 2011 at 8:20 am, by

Just got this note from Margaret Nash (FHHS ’11) that nicely sums up the way a lot of folks feel about one of the most positive coaches around…here’s more from Margaret: Attached to this email is a photo of Jean Melborne, Margaret Nash, and Kaylen Meeker. We thanked our former softball coach Kevin Carlton, who  Continue Reading

Funny thing, that Animal Shelter fundraiser…

Written on July 11, 2011 at 9:50 pm, by

.//^ ^\\ (/(_•_)\) ._/”*”\_ (,,,)^(,,,) You know how most of time when you hear there’s a fundraiser coming up, you kinda check to see if it’s one you really want to go to. The Animal Shelter’s annual Wags to Riches is in a class of its own, because people make plans a year ahead to  Continue Reading

Engaged: John & Claire

Written on July 11, 2011 at 9:55 am, by

Just got this from Tony & Lisa – congrats to John (FHHS ’05)! and Claire! Here’s more: Tony and Lisa Fyrqvist are happy to announce the engagement of their son John Fyrqvist to Claire Hoipkemier, daughter of David and Rory Hoipkemier, currently of East Timor but originally of Lansing, Michigan. John is a product of  Continue Reading

Monday, Monday….

Written on July 11, 2011 at 12:44 am, by

Let’s check on things & see what’s up: • I’d like to thank everybody who wrote, called, e-mailed, faxed & came over to my house to tell me that the bird that I guessed was a starling (or a brown pelican, or a shy oyster catcher, or something) was in fact a barn swallow. Here’s  Continue Reading

Meanwhile, from the box…

Written on July 10, 2011 at 11:24 pm, by

You have heard the expression, “Think outside of the box,” and if you’re like me, you have wondered what exactly was kept outside of the box that was so handy. Over the past month, I’ve noticed the expression being used a fair amount by folks who are ignoring the resources that are available in the  Continue Reading