Topic: Around Here

Morning song for you, so far away……

Written on April 20, 2011 at 9:41 pm, by

Here’s JT around 1988 or so, with “Song for You, So Far Away….”

San Juan Island notes….

Written on April 20, 2011 at 8:23 am, by

Someone told me that if I put “San Juan Island” in the title of this posting, the Update would shoot to the top of the search engines. Sounds fun (and I’ll do an experiment any time I can – it’s always fun to see how things work), but I told them you don’t use a  Continue Reading

Thought for today: It’s obvious to you. Amazing to others.

Written on April 20, 2011 at 7:13 am, by

That great idea – are you like me? When someone else has a great idea (like Derek, with this little video, below), I tell everyone how great an idea it is. When the idea comes from me, I’m less excited…. Derek Sivers explores this, and shares a way for you & me to add to  Continue Reading

Lions roll to three-peat in Knowledge Bowl….

Written on April 20, 2011 at 12:54 am, by

Last night’s Knowledge Bowl was fun, as it has been for 17 years now. The annual event at the Community Theatre features seven teams (three of kids, four of service club-related adults) trying to knock down the answers to questions posed by MC & ace social studies teacher Jim McNairy all evening, while the audience  Continue Reading

Irish tune in the morning…

Written on April 20, 2011 at 12:45 am, by

Haven’t met anyone who’s ever heard the Corrs & not loved ’em…so what do you get when you back ’em up with the Chieftains? Pretty amazing music…here we go:

Around our scepter’d isle…

Written on April 19, 2011 at 2:19 am, by

OK, we’re not REALLY scepter’d, but we have fun anyway – here’s more: • Have you seen my cat? Nala (right) wandered off late last week & I’m kinda wondering how she’s doing…she’s about 8-9 pounds with a white bit on the tip of her tail & no teeth in her lower jaw. I live  Continue Reading

Pumpin’ it…

Written on April 19, 2011 at 2:17 am, by

It looks a little like a construction zone over at IPS on Carter Avenue – because they’re doing construction. Things are going to be better when all is done – here’s why from Island Petroleum Services’ boss Kate Schuman: Hi Ian! In response to customers’ requests, the IPS gas station on Carter Ave. is installing  Continue Reading

Fun with marriage…a workshop

Written on April 19, 2011 at 1:41 am, by

Monique & Vic Woodward have gotten rave reviews for their workshop – you might want to check it out! Here’s more from Vic: Here is something for the “Update…” and the Community Calendar. Monique and I are presenting Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage at the Earthbox Motel again. We have been presenting this  Continue Reading

Morning song for you….Jason Mraz with “I’m Yours”

Written on April 19, 2011 at 12:44 am, by

Yes, it’s OK to swing it when you’re eating your oatmeal, baby…helps the sun come up. Here’s Jason:

Checking in….

Written on April 18, 2011 at 12:10 pm, by

Let’s see what the next few days hold: • If you went to the movie Rio on Friday night last weekend, you may have been surprised that folks stayed & hung out during the credits, then rose with a standing ovation when islander Peter Chan‘s name popped up (he was there, by the way.) Not  Continue Reading

Around our island….

Written on April 15, 2011 at 10:09 am, by

Over the hills, over the sea: • Tomorrow night at The Rumor Mill, The Loons (Avery Adams and friends) are playing – drop by & check ’em out! Tonight – it’s The Sliders! • Cynthia tells me the evening Zumba class for Monday night is cancelled, but that men are still free in April! Be  Continue Reading

Spring Street International School schedules annual fundraiser…

Written on April 15, 2011 at 9:16 am, by

My friend Caroline is spreading the word about the upcoming dinner/auction – here’s the deal: Hi Ian, did you know that 60% of Spring Street International School (SSIS) students receive tuition scholarships? That’s why we need to get the word out that the SSIS Live & Silent Auction, “A celebration to raise money for scholarships,”  Continue Reading

Joni, in the morning…

Written on April 15, 2011 at 8:24 am, by

Salmon recovery….

Written on April 15, 2011 at 7:22 am, by

Just got this from Barbara at the County: Request for Salmon Recovery Project Proposals The San Juan County Lead Entity is requesting project proposals for the San Juan Islands for the Salmon Recovery Funding Board (SRFB) grant cycle.  The SRFB administers grant programs for protection and/or restoration of salmon habitat.

Bits of this & that…

Written on April 14, 2011 at 11:35 am, by

Catching up around the island: • A little bird tells me today Jack and Carole Woolsey are celebrating their 50th anniversary (this Thursday, April 14). Congratulations, you two! Way to go! Meanwhile, it was today in 1990 that Sharon & John Boyd got hitched – happy 21st anniversary to you! • Lots of soccer, tennis (today),  Continue Reading

Midweek, and getting over the hump….

Written on April 13, 2011 at 10:34 am, by

Around town, around the island, around the house…. • Wahoo – it’s the San Juan Singers at the Community Theatre this weekend! Here’s more from Jan at SJCT: San Juan Singers Welcome Spring! San Juan Singers is all about SPRING in their festive concert: Poems, Prayers, and Promises on Saturday and Sunday, April 16 and  Continue Reading