Topic: Around Here

Morning song….

Written on March 13, 2011 at 10:25 pm, by

One of my favorite songs…by Death Cab for Cutie, it’s “Soul Meets Body”…here’s the live version:

Island notes….

Written on March 12, 2011 at 1:32 pm, by

Looking around… • There are definitely things to do today…the kids at the Presbyterian Church have a Baked Potato Dinner fundraiser to raise money for summer camp at 4:30pm, and the Soroptimist Club is raising money with their annual St. Patrick’s Dinner & Auction. • Russell Sadler is an old news guy from Oregon, and  Continue Reading

Tsunami hits Japan; expected to come to US west coast this morning….

Written on March 11, 2011 at 5:25 am, by

Update 5:04am PST: Dave Halloran issued this press release early this morning: Keep your eyes on (and your feet out of) the water Friday morning. After the devastating earthquake and tsunami in Japan, a Tsunami Advisory was issued in the early morning hours for the coast of Washington including the inland waters. The Sheriff’s Office  Continue Reading

The wind, she blows the clouds around…

Written on March 10, 2011 at 10:34 pm, by

With yesterday’s winds in the afternoon came some beautiful skies & colorful clouds – I hope you saw them painted across the air above the island…here are a couple of photos and a song from ’67 by a very youthful Simon & Garfunkel…happy morning to you!

Thursday’s news…

Written on March 10, 2011 at 11:18 am, by

There’s a wind advisory for the day (hit the weather button on the masthead for details), so batten down, baby…let’s see what else is up: • Put it on your calendar – Cynthia at XYZ Movement Arts has a free Zumba class for the equinox on the 21st to celebrate the change in seasons…here’s more.  Continue Reading

The best basketball on the planet….

Written on March 10, 2011 at 8:45 am, by

It’s gonna be fun…the FHHS staff vs. the kids. Here’s the deal, from senior Maggie Anderson: Hey Ian! On Friday the 11th, the seniors are hosting a staff vs. senior basketball game as a fundraiser for project grad night! I was wondering if you could put this on your site! It’d be awesome! Here are  Continue Reading

Christi’s coming…

Written on March 10, 2011 at 7:51 am, by

Jan is putting on this cool art workshop this weekend – here’s the rest, from Wild at Heart Studios: Wild at Heart Studios of Friday Harbor is happy to announce renowned artist and author, Christi Friessen will be visiting San Juan Island March 12th and 13th to teach a two-day creative art workshop entitled, “Polymer  Continue Reading

Around the island…

Written on March 9, 2011 at 6:09 am, by

Let’s see if we can catch up with what’s going on ’round here: • The Soroptimist Club’s 13th St. Patrick’s Dinner & Auction is this Saturday…have you got your tickets yet? Here are the details. • You knew it – 1921 was a great year: That was the year Howard Schonberger was born, today. Happy  Continue Reading

The San Juan Island Artists’ Studio Tour celebrates its 20th year!

Written on March 9, 2011 at 4:35 am, by

Who is on the Tour this year? Check the Studio Tour’s website to find out! Here’s more from Dan & Mary: The San Juan Island Artists’ Studio Tour is a free self-guided tour with 20 artists’ studios and 23 guest artists. We are a group of mutually supportive artists who have joined together to create  Continue Reading

Get your eBooks at Griffin Bay Bookstore…

Written on March 9, 2011 at 2:16 am, by

When I was at the airport last weekend, I saw dozens of people reading books on portable devices, usually Kindle or something like that. There are lots of places you can get eBooks, and now you can support one of the island’s bookstores when you do -here’s more in this press release from Laura &  Continue Reading

Checking the Update’s mailbag (if e-mails go in a bag….)

Written on March 7, 2011 at 2:38 am, by

It’s been a while since I cleared out the mailbag (even if it is only e-mails, made of electrons – it was stuffed!) Most of these are from folks off-island…let’s see what’s going on: Q: I live in San Francisco but always check to see what’s happening on the San Juan Update. It appears that  Continue Reading

Bust out with the Dust Busters Monday night….

Written on March 7, 2011 at 2:01 am, by

This is happening tonight, and it’s a great chance to see traditional music – as well as to attend workshops tomorrow – here’s the scoop from Jan at The Community Theatre (see ya there!): Folk Music Legend John Cohen Joins The Dust busters on March 7 It’s a musical voyage to Appalachia when noted artist,  Continue Reading

Meanwhile, in Olympia….

Written on March 7, 2011 at 1:58 am, by

Three weekends ago, island kids headed for the state capital to learn how it all works – here’s more in this report from Cathy Cole: Presidents Day weekend, 320 4-H teens stormed the halls of The Red Lion Hotel in Olympia, WA to fill their heads and hearts with Politics and the Media; a themed  Continue Reading

Elk calling – third in the world!

Written on March 7, 2011 at 1:23 am, by

Lisa & Ron Howard are pretty proud – their son Dustin just got back from Reno at the world championship for elk calling. They tell me he took third place in the world as an amateur and is ranked in the top 15 overall in the world, as well as ranking as the second best caller  Continue Reading

Seanene steps down…

Written on March 5, 2011 at 6:05 am, by

The folks over at Village at the Harbour just sent this note over saying Seanene is stepping away from that incredible place she began – her smile & caring & organization will be sorely missed – here’s more: Seanene Kennedy has announced her resignation as Managing Director of San Juan Island’s assisted living facility, the  Continue Reading

The madness continues this weekend…

Written on March 4, 2011 at 5:29 am, by

It’s a great show that opened last week to strong reviews – here’s more from Jan Bollwinkel-Smith at the Community Theatre: There are just three shows left of Jean Giraudoux’s satiric and out-of-the-ordinary comedy, The Madwoman of Chaillot at the San Juan Community Theatre. The play continues with 7:30 pm performances on Friday and Saturday and  Continue Reading