Topic: Around Here

What have you done…

Written on February 15, 2011 at 6:19 pm, by

This is a fellow that Kate Schuman told me about named Paul Thorn, who I’m finding I like – see what you think: This is his song “What Have You Done To Lift Somebody Up”…

Happy Valentine’s Day, Tony!

Written on February 14, 2011 at 10:25 am, by

Carrie Brooks at Islanders Bank says Tony got a surprise: Tony Fyrqvist, vice president at Islanders Bank, was surprised by a rose and the Island Chordsmen Plus all decked out in their red vests for a “Let Me Call You Sweetheart” message from Tony’s wife, Lisa.  It was a real treat this morning at the  Continue Reading

Around the island….

Written on February 14, 2011 at 9:12 am, by

It’s a windy morning as the Valentine’s Day gusts may get up to 60mph later today…hold onto your hat & duck when the branches shake – let’s see what’s up: • It started up last week – Noodle Bowl Monday is back at the Backdoor Kitchen today from 11:30am to 2:30pm. The restaurant will re-open  Continue Reading

Book corner: Three island-related books hit the shelves

Written on February 14, 2011 at 7:40 am, by

Within the artists’ community of the island is a good number of writers, and this month there are three new books for you to look over. Let’s take a look & see what’s new: You Can’t Fix Everything:  A Husband’s Perspective On Dealing With Breast Cancer, by John Boyd I know John as the irrepressible  Continue Reading

Joe Bongiorno is coming to town…

Written on February 14, 2011 at 4:25 am, by

You know, there are a bunch of places you might know Joe Bongiorno from… Maybe you remember him when he was in a band back in 1987 when he graduated from Friday Harbor High School. Maybe you remember him from the Ale House, or from hearing him play piano at weddings at Roche Harbor, or  Continue Reading

Things you need to know….

Written on February 11, 2011 at 10:20 am, by

Heading into the weekend! Wahoo! Let’s see what’s going on: • This is cool – you can vote for a couple of islanders to win! Radio station Praise 106.5 has Cathy & Jim Cole as one of five couples who tell their story for a thing they call Valentine Redo…if they win they get a  Continue Reading

This weekend: Opera at the Presbyterian Church – “Lakmé”

Written on February 11, 2011 at 9:38 am, by

My friend Regina tells me this is going to be great…you can hear the Flower Duet here (it’s a YouTube vid with 2 million views – that’ll give you the idea). Here’s more: Puget Sound Concert Opera: Up Close And Affordable! Lakmé by: Leo Delibes The tragic tale of the love affair between a British  Continue Reading


Written on February 11, 2011 at 7:24 am, by

Linda & Maureen have a movie this weekend you’ll want to catch (here’s the trailer): FRESH FILM SCREENING AT SJI LIBRARY FEB. 13, SUNDAY, AT 6pm – FREE – OPEN TO THE PUBLIC We are all hearing a lot of things about what’s wrong with our nation’s food production systems. How about hearing the ways  Continue Reading

Music at the Rumor Mill this weekend…

Written on February 10, 2011 at 4:03 pm, by

Peggy & Oren tell me it’s gonna be great: This weekend we’ll have the David George Band (David is Scott George’s brother – you know him from the post office!) on Friday & Saturday the 11th & 12th. The show features jazz, with Debbie “Delta Diva” Bivens (right). On Sunday the 13th, the San Juan  Continue Reading

Around the island….

Written on February 10, 2011 at 3:59 pm, by

The sun is out, the sky is blue…it’s beautiful & so are you: • Who let the dogs out? Arf, oooff, ooof, ooof. God. Now you have that song stuck in your head, see if you can help Bob: Two Lost Golden Retrievers: Sunny & Buddy went missing on Super Bowl Sunday from the Sunset  Continue Reading

Agriculture folks on San Juan – unite!

Written on February 10, 2011 at 3:21 pm, by

Just got this notice from Peggy: The Agricultural Resources Committee (ARC) of San Juan County (SJC) and WSU Extension of SJC are sponsoring a series of meetings about agriculture in SJC. Outreach meetings were already held on Orcas and Lopez Islands in late 2010, with over 60 farmers and others interested in farming in attendance.   Continue Reading

Biofuels….get the scoop tonight

Written on February 10, 2011 at 3:08 pm, by

The Nature Institute’s presentation will fill in the gaps on what you know about biofuels tonight at 7pm at the Marine Labs, including – how DO algae make oil? – here’s more, from Fiona: Our speaker on Thursday February 10, is Charley O’Kelly, independent researcher at Friday Harbor Labs and consultant to the biofuel industry.  Continue Reading


Written on February 10, 2011 at 3:00 pm, by

37, 26.2, Sadat, The Banana Slugs, mercury

The Valentine’s gift you’ve been looking for…at waterworks gallery

Written on February 10, 2011 at 2:32 pm, by

This is cool – Ruth at waterworks will re-open the first of April (no foolin’) but she’s open this weekend so you can get that special Valentine’s gift. Here’s the truth, from Ruth: Gentlemen: this is the place for beautiful jewelry, non-fattening and non-wilting gifts. Of course, we’ll gift wrap. All you’ll need to do is find  Continue Reading

Writers of the world, unite!

Written on February 10, 2011 at 2:21 pm, by

There are a lot of gems on the island that have collected here from different palces, and one of them is Alice Acheson and her experience & knowledge about what it takes to get published. She should know – she was the publicist for the Clan of the Cave Bear series, and many more. She  Continue Reading

Wednesday’s news…

Written on February 9, 2011 at 12:08 am, by

Hope you got out in the sun yesterday! Let’s see what’s going on: • Friday Harbor basketball heads to the playoffs today with the boys taking on Lynden Christian and the girls headed for Kings High in Shoreline. Both teams won Monday in their last games with Cedar Park Christian, as the girls stormed ahead  Continue Reading