Topic: Around Here

Tuesday morning around the island….

Written on January 31, 2011 at 11:05 pm, by

Maybe on YOUR island nothing’s going on…here all kinds of things are happening: • The IMA (Island Museum of Art) folks were rather abruptly moved when the building they were in, next to Friday Harbor House, was discovered to be historical, so it got moved to American Camp three months ago. They were briefly over  Continue Reading

Can your dog do all this?

Written on January 31, 2011 at 11:04 pm, by

I’m pretty sure there are more dogs on this island per human capita than any other island around, except maybe Orcas…and most of the dogs here are above average in most things. The following video features Jesse, who it would be great to have as a roommate, since he does dishes, windows, and much more.  Continue Reading

“Marriage Works,” according to the experts

Written on January 31, 2011 at 8:19 pm, by

When you want to make sure things are running smoothly, you gotta go to the experts. Jeanine and Mark Earnhart drew from their forty years of being married to write a new book called Marriage Works. I asked Jeanine a little about where the just-released book came from: We’re really excited to finally have the  Continue Reading

Father/Daughter Dance coming up…

Written on January 31, 2011 at 1:15 am, by

I was lucky to get asked to dj the first Father/Daughter Dance six years ago, and it has been great to see the event (and the kids!) grow over the years – here’s a portfolio of last year’s dance and the proud papas & their girls. Now it’s coming up again, next week on Friday  Continue Reading

Meanwhile, at the gonpa…

Written on January 31, 2011 at 1:13 am, by

San Juan Island’s Tibetan Buddhist Retreat Center Did you know there is a Tibetan Buddhist Retreat center on San Juan Island? Yes, tucked away up on the top of Mount Dallas amid mossy knolls and misty woods, Sakya Kachod Choling center has been quietly offering retreats and teachings since 1986. The center is under the  Continue Reading

Zumba with Bill!

Written on January 31, 2011 at 12:47 am, by

Bill Ament says Zumba classes are catching on – and wants you to check ’em out. Here’s the info from his poster: Zumba with Dynamo Dancer & Teacher Bill Ament Zumba is a Latin-inspired fitness program, a party-like atmosphere, “exercise in disguise.” Great music, steps, moves and lots of energy. It’s easy because it is designed for  Continue Reading

When nothing happens…

Written on January 31, 2011 at 12:21 am, by

What do you do when nothing happens? Felt like that last week for a bit – there didn’t seem to be much to report, the way we usually do. Thought about just posting that: Nothing happened today, baby. Sorry ’bout that. See ya tomorrow. What was great was that stuff did happen. It was just  Continue Reading

Looking for a room?

Written on January 28, 2011 at 9:55 pm, by

Hey, housemates! Well, it looks like I have plenty of room in the house since everyone’s away to school….are you looking for a place? Here’s the deal – I have a smaller room (two of ’em) for $500/month + utilities, or a bigger one with its own bathroom ($700). They’re furnished (or not), and we’ll  Continue Reading

Friday updates….

Written on January 28, 2011 at 5:05 am, by

I hope you get a chance to get outside this weekend – let’s look around & see what’s going on: • John Boyd passed this on – you can change your Facebook page around: You have got to try this….scroll down to the bottom of the page when you’re logged into Facebook. Where it says  Continue Reading

Gordon honored tomorrow…

Written on January 28, 2011 at 4:53 am, by

The Community Theatre has a reception for Gordon on Saturday – here’s more from Jan Bollwinkel-Smith: Theatre Honors New “Life Friend” A public reception is being held on Saturday, January 29 to honor longtime San Juan Community Theatre supporter Gordon Steele. Steele and his late wife Beverly have been added to the nonprofit Theatre’s “Life  Continue Reading

Wildwood rocks!

Written on January 28, 2011 at 4:43 am, by

John & Michael do a super job, and TripAdvisor noticed! Here’s more: Wildwood Manor Named one of the Top Ten Bed & Breakfast Inns in the World San Juan Island bed and breakfast honored for third year in a row with TripAdvisor Travelers’ Choice Award. Wildwood Manor was chosen as one of the ten best bed  Continue Reading

Morning song for you…

Written on January 28, 2011 at 3:38 am, by

Islander Kels Boreen has a cd release event planned a couple of weekends from now, but you can get a taste of his new album with his song By Donation…good way to start the day.

The 3/50 approach to keeping our local economy healthy…

Written on January 27, 2011 at 4:56 am, by

You may have heard of these folks…seems pretty right on, for our little island, where we actually know the folks we buy from & work with. Here’s their website; and they’re on FaceBook, and here’s their message, in a nutshell:

Thursday – let’s check in….

Written on January 27, 2011 at 2:26 am, by

Let’s take a look at what’s going on: • Looks like fun at the Rumor Mill this weekend – tonight it’s Trivia, tomorrow The One More Time Band, and the Acoustic Showcase (Debbie Strasser, Tom Danrich, Ian Boulton and Steve Dyer) is on for Saturday night. See you there! • Good to see that state  Continue Reading

Community group challenges School Board decision…

Written on January 26, 2011 at 6:42 am, by

In the days since the San Juan Island School District accepted elementary school principal Gary Pflueger’s resignation earlier this month, upset community members have been meeting & discussing different responses to the action, ranging from a recall of the board, to arbitration & observation of the process with a possible change in the decision, to  Continue Reading

Morning song….

Written on January 25, 2011 at 8:21 am, by

Gotta have something to dance to….here are Simon & Garfunkel kicking off the Concert in Central Park in 1980 with Mrs. Robinson: