Topic: Around Here

School District: No special meeting

Written on January 18, 2011 at 7:32 am, by

In last weekend’s three hour public meeting about the possible options for dealing with the resignation of Gary Pfleuger (generally aimed at a reversal of the decision), an energetic and dismayed public demanded a public school board meeting this week to review those options, including ways to possibly hire Gary back. Saturday’s meeting was called  Continue Reading

Seahawks’ Sunday…

Written on January 17, 2011 at 6:35 am, by

What a week in pro football. After the Seattle Seahawks whumped the Super Bowl champion Saints a week ago, they made believers of a lot of folks who were holding on for a similar miracle in Chicago’s 20-degree game yesterday. After all, the home team was the first in history to sneak into the playoffs  Continue Reading

Nancy’s thank you…to the firefighters

Written on January 17, 2011 at 6:18 am, by

The buildings on the island range from new to historic, and the older ones are especially prone to devastating fires, because the wood in them has had so long to season…Nancy Larsen lives in such a house, out on Redwing Road, and has a good story to tell about how things turned out: My beloved  Continue Reading

JT & MLK & shedding light…

Written on January 17, 2011 at 12:34 am, by

Every day has its own song (or else, why live?) and there are special ones for special days – Here’s James Taylor:


Written on January 16, 2011 at 10:40 pm, by

Jan over at the Community Theatre has the story about what this coming weekend looks like – here’s more: Carnivale Heats Up Winter The Winter Carnivale premieres at SJCT on Friday-Sunday, January 21-23, showcasing two nights and one afternoon of high quality entertainment on the Whittier stage. The Festival kicks off Friday night with circus,  Continue Reading

Second print…copies available!

Written on January 14, 2011 at 12:38 pm, by

Kitty Roberts wanted you to know it’s here next week: The second printing of the booklet “The Fisherman & the Fisheries of the San Juans” will be available for pick-up, for those on the preordered list, at Roy’s Espresso and Deli [inside].  The date is Tuesday, January 18th, from 10:30 until 3:00…Limited copies will be  Continue Reading

What’s happening…

Written on January 14, 2011 at 11:13 am, by

Let’s see what’s is going on: • There will be a public meeting at the Mullis Center this Saturday (1/15) at noon of all concerned parents and community members who want to discuss how to react to the unpopular decision by the school board this week. • Carol Maas from the Conservation District says there’s  Continue Reading

‘Still Life With Iris’ is engaging, thoughtful, and a good evening at the theater…

Written on January 14, 2011 at 12:20 am, by

There are plots & subplots in the Friday Harbor High Drama Group’s production of Steven Dietz’s Still Life With Iris, and when it all comes together in the end, it makes for a satisfying evening at the Community Theatre. The play is the story of a young girl (Iris, played by sophomore Sarah Clark) who  Continue Reading

Garrett & Carla make new partnership…

Written on January 14, 2011 at 12:08 am, by

This new partnership looks good – it broadens what Carla’s longtime office here offers, and gives islanders a resource who is experienced with international matters…here’s more from the press release: Long-time San Juan County attorney Carla J. Higginson has formed a partnership with attorney Garrett J. Beyer.  After 31 years in solo practice, Higginson Law  Continue Reading

Contra dances begin this weekend….

Written on January 13, 2011 at 10:30 pm, by

Most of you know that I used to go to contra dances for years when I lived in Oregon – gotta say, it’s great. If you like moving & meeting folks & generally just having a good time, you’ll love it. So it was cool to hear: Liz Francis called to tell me & you  Continue Reading

Around the island….

Written on January 13, 2011 at 7:38 am, by

A day after the Great Winter Storm That Wasn’t, let’s look around the island & see what’s up: • Yep, the FHHS play’s four show run begins tonight. See you there! I’ll be going tonight – hope you have your tickets, too! • Bobbe Needham tells me it’s time to sing! The Island Chordsmen Plus  Continue Reading

In last week’s sun…

Written on January 13, 2011 at 7:30 am, by

I love how John Miller‘s photography is just getting better & better…you can see his work on display at Doug Bison’s Gallery (where the Guruda & I used to be)…you’ll love it. He took these photos last week on the 8th around the island.

Off to Korea for a Burns Supper….

Written on January 13, 2011 at 7:15 am, by

Looks like our old friend Sandy is headed to do a Burns Supper in….Korea! Here’s a little story he sent in: Well-known Islander Sandy Cameron is headed to Korea, January 18th, to perform in an American/ Scottish/ Korean, cultural exchange. The event, a Burns Supper, an evening dinner to celebrate the birthday ( Jan 25th  Continue Reading

Fields…they’re coming along!

Written on January 13, 2011 at 6:41 am, by

The committee that is working on the Carter Street ballfields has a meeting tonight & hopes you can take the time to drop by – with the clock ticking on the high school baseball field (this coming season is the last on the present field), this is important stuff: A public meeting for comments about  Continue Reading

The high school play is this week!

Written on January 12, 2011 at 6:59 am, by

Jan from the Community Theatre reports (and I know I already have my ticket – see ya Thursday!): The World of Nocturno Awaits! Friday Harbor High’s popular and acclaimed Drama Group presents a fantastical adventure that transforms the Whittier stage into the world of Nocturno THIS Thursday through Sunday, January 13-16. Originally commissioned and produced  Continue Reading