Topic: Around Here

Presentation: An Introduction To The Akashic Records…

Written on January 12, 2011 at 6:53 am, by

Jandira is a practitioner who works with the recordkeepers – I know you’ll find this fascinating. I’ve been to her presentations before & I think you’ll be glad you came to this one. Here’s more: “Worlds Within:  An Introduction To The Akashic Records With Jandira Shelley” Life Asks Questions.  Your Akashic Records Have Answer January  Continue Reading

Ricarda & Shane get married!

Written on January 12, 2011 at 6:45 am, by

On Monday, Ricarda Burnett & her Australian fellow Shane Weston went down to the courthouse & got married (I was wondering whose rig that was, with the “Just married!” painted all over it). I checked in with her yesterday & they’re really happy – congratulations you two!

Note for 1/11/11

Written on January 11, 2011 at 2:45 pm, by

Hey, math nerd – try this: Today is 1-11-11…. If you take the last two digits of your birth year and add it to how old you will be this year, it will add up to 111. Cool, eh?


Written on January 11, 2011 at 9:28 am, by

Things you’ll want to know for today: • The FHHS basketball games today have been shrunk to one…instead of the usual four, the jv games aren’t being played, and since Shoreline Christian doesn’t have a varsity girls team, that won’t be happening either. And…the boys varsity game will be at 5:15pm instead of 5:30pm. See  Continue Reading

See Pam with your pets! They’ll be glad you did!

Written on January 11, 2011 at 1:12 am, by

She’s been a healer for a long time, and now has added to what she offers – here’s more: Pam Fry, RN of Restoring Harmony Healing Therapies, has expanded her treatments to include your pets. High Touch Jin Shin is the therapy she uses and it is a Japanese system of healing using light touch  Continue Reading

Elected officials sworn in Monday morning…

Written on January 10, 2011 at 12:14 pm, by

This morning Superior Court Judge Don Eaton administered the oath of office to several elected officials this morning, including new sheriff Rob Nou. Also being sworn in were Assessor Charles Zalmanek, District Court Judge Stewart Andrew, Auditor Milene Henley, Clerk Joan White, Prosecutor Randy Gaylord, and Treasurer Jan Sears. Earlier in the day, the new  Continue Reading

Around the island…

Written on January 10, 2011 at 5:04 am, by

Look around the island – what do you sea (that’s a joke): • Rob Nou gets sworn in today at 11:30am, if you’d like to drop by the Courthouse and wish him well as the new sheriff…. • Debbie at Roche Harbor says she has signed up the last three spots for the Salmon Classic  Continue Reading

Farhad: Encore this weekend

Written on January 10, 2011 at 4:34 am, by

Fiona at the San Juan Nature Institute announces a chance for you to hear good music AND help the Salmon in the Classroom program & the church’s piano fund – here’s more: Its a “A Classical Evening” with Farhad Ghatan at Friday Harbor Presbyterian Church on Saturday, January 15, 7pm on their new Young Chang  Continue Reading

Early Music Festival at St. David’s this weekend….

Written on January 10, 2011 at 4:08 am, by

This early music festival starts this weekend at St. David’s with music that was composed & played by the court’s musicians when they put child king Louis XIV to bed – a practice he continued after he grew up. Here’s more: The first annual Salish Sea Early Music Festival presents four programs of early chamber  Continue Reading

Yvonne chosen for state-wide exhibit….

Written on January 10, 2011 at 4:00 am, by

If you seen her work, you know why she was picked – she has evocative, graceful work which displays a bright spirit – here’s more from the show’s people (remember when she won that pizza-making contest in New York? Here’s more about that from the 2007 Update): Islander Yvonne Buijs-Mancuso of Friday Harbor has been  Continue Reading

Look outside….

Written on January 8, 2011 at 10:19 pm, by

Sunshine is delicious, rain is refreshing, wind braces us up, snow is exhilarating; there is really no such thing as bad weather, only different kinds of good weather. John Ruskin

At the Rumor Mill tonight….

Written on January 8, 2011 at 12:52 pm, by

Hey, you remember that Rewind (that’s Kate Schuman and Tom & Tami Doenges) are playing tonight at the Rumor Mill…but the food’s good too – here’s more from Kate: I want to confirm that yes! Rewind is playing Saturday night, Jan. 8th, 7:30, at the Rumor Mill. In addition to the regular menu, the specials  Continue Reading

Eastern Washington wins national championship 20-19 Friday night….

Written on January 7, 2011 at 7:36 pm, by

Just in: The Eastern Washington Eagles (including FHHS grad Tyler Hart) have come back from a 19-0 hole to win the national championship 20-19 over the Delaware Blue Hens.


Written on January 7, 2011 at 7:12 pm, by

Barbara Sharp & the Soroptimists  say this is a great time to get your tickets: This weekend is a convenient time to buy tickets to the Soroptimist Para-Dice Bunko Party. Tickets will be sold 10-4 this Saturday, Jan. 8 at both grocery stores and Sunday, Jan. 9 at Kings. For $20, ladies can enjoy appetizers,  Continue Reading

Around the island…

Written on January 7, 2011 at 12:35 pm, by

What’s up, pup: • Steve & Shann tell me the Grange members voted to restore their Charter last Wednesday night – wahoo! So, they’re back in business – election of officers is next week. • Go to the website for Roche Harbor & scroll down a bit for info on how to sign up –  Continue Reading

Loring takes over as Bar Association president…

Written on January 7, 2011 at 12:15 pm, by

This just in from the Bar Association: Attorney Carla J. Higginson has passed the presidency of the San Juan County Bar Association to Friday Harbor attorney Kathryn C. Loring of the Law Offices of Skinner & Saar, PS.  Carla, who has been in active practice in Friday Harbor for the past 31 years, held the  Continue Reading