Topic: Around Here

Remembering the island’s past…

Written on November 11, 2010 at 8:04 am, by

When Josie & I went to Mike & Julia Vouri’s nice presentation for their new San Juan Island book on Tuesday, I couldn’t help but remember that it was this week in 2004 that longtime islander Wade Sundstrom’s barn burned down. My son (and ace photographer) Shay & I heard about it, and ran out  Continue Reading

Thursday’s news….

Written on November 11, 2010 at 12:20 am, by

Let’s look around: • Did you know Lisa Kleypas‘ book Christmas at Friday Harbor has been released? Now you do. • Whoa! Eddie & Genie at the Hot Shop have a blog now…here. • Remember the Safety Fair in October?  A lot of people made that happen – Carolyn from the Fire Department wanted to  Continue Reading

Remembering those who have served…

Written on November 11, 2010 at 12:01 am, by

This little piece called “What is a Veteran?” appeared in this month’s local American Legion newsletter, and is a reminder that behind it all, there are people: Some veterans bear visible signs of their service — a missing limb, a jagged scar, a certain look in the eye. Others carry the evidence inside them —  Continue Reading

Art…by blowing things up

Written on November 10, 2010 at 11:27 pm, by

Dwight Dukes from Orcas Island demonstrates his EXPLOSIVE! technique using gunpowder on venetian plastered panels to create his work. Photos are from Dwight’s demonstration at Gallery San Juan during this year’s Artstock festival.

At waterworks gallery….

Written on November 9, 2010 at 11:19 pm, by

• Ruth at waterworks gallery says a year of changes created the opportunity for Joan Stuart Ross and Kathryn Trigg to experiment with their techniques, and in some instances changing their composition content. Come see their work at the gallery; here’s a bit about what they say they are up to: Kathryn [aka Kappy] is  Continue Reading

Wednesday’s news bits….

Written on November 9, 2010 at 10:19 pm, by

Let’s see what’s happening: • It’s exciting when big things come to our little town – Torrey at the Presbyterian Church wanted to share this with you: Puget Sound Concert Opera: Up Close And Affordable! Puget Sound Concert Opera (PSCO) incorporates an innovative concert opera format, allowing audience members to see, hear and feel the  Continue Reading

Around the island…

Written on November 9, 2010 at 12:53 am, by

Let’s see what’s going on: • Do you have a song in your head & heart this morning? Cool! If you want to try one that I’ve had running around in my head, try this oft-recorded Leonard Cohen song, sung by four Norwegian dudes…you’ll see why it got nearly 30 million views. And listens. •  Continue Reading

Ideas that stick…messages that stick…

Written on November 9, 2010 at 12:02 am, by

Next week, I get to teach a class that you’ll love. Things you’ll like about it: 1) It’s free. 2) You’ll leave the class with a fresh, new way of thinking about your business or mission or next novel (I know your secrets). 3) You will change the way you’re doing your marketing, and you’ll  Continue Reading

Cookie molds are the way to go…

Written on November 9, 2010 at 12:01 am, by

San Juan Island author, baker, and soapmaker Anne Watson has a new credit to add to her constantly growing list of achievements. Her latest book, “Baking with Cookie Molds,” is hot off the press and available for ordering through . These are not your basic run-of-the-mill cookies, folks. They are works of art, and  Continue Reading

Matthew Gray Palmer’s incredible work continues….

Written on November 8, 2010 at 11:22 pm, by

San Juan Island’s prodigious sculptor Matthew Gray Palmer has been busy creating new work. (You may remember his elephant sculpture when it was in the ferry line last January…) At first glance Matthew’s sculptures may look familiar: a Barn Owl, a Raven… but take a closer look and they seem to defy gravity. Using a  Continue Reading

Starting this week at the Golden Triangle…

Written on November 8, 2010 at 3:17 pm, by

You know, Avon did this last year, and it was great – I hope you get a chance to drop by & check it out! Amy Traxler has the scoop: I just wanted to let you know that, starting on Monday (11/8), we’re going to be having our dinner combo specials again at The Golden  Continue Reading

Out of the shadows…

Written on November 8, 2010 at 7:52 am, by

…comes the light. That’s Jodi with Lily taking a leap….

The white things, explained…

Written on November 8, 2010 at 7:43 am, by

Thank for writing & asking…I was wondering, too! What ARE those white things sticking up in the marshes across from where you turn at the transfer station? Judy from the Land Bank sent over the story behind the story, with pictures: What are those white things in Beaverton Valley Marsh? Mysterious groves of white tubes  Continue Reading

We got you, Abe….

Written on November 8, 2010 at 7:40 am, by

It was outpouring of love & music & food & more love…the Yacht Club filled up Saturday night with folks who came to cheer on Abe Gutierrez. The food was awesome, the music by Noise Complaint was awesome, the silent auction wasn’t THAT quiet, and the guest of honor was his usual happy, smiling self.  Continue Reading

What the Dickens…

Written on November 8, 2010 at 6:46 am, by

This is cool – the guy doing the Dickens show tonight at the Community Theatre is related to the author, and Joanruth from the island’s relatives are from the same neighborhood. Here’s more from Jan at the Theatre: When Charles Dickens’ great-great grandson brings his one-man show, Mr. Dickens is Coming! to San Juan Community  Continue Reading

G’day, Friday…

Written on November 5, 2010 at 7:34 am, by

Looks like we can finally relax this weekend….(stretch)(yawn)(scratch). Here’s a little bit of what’s up in the next few days: • There is music in Town tonight – the Rumor Mill has The One More Time Band (and dancing!) tonight, and The Polecats with bluegrass tomorrow for a Saturday night in Town…. • It’s not  Continue Reading