Topic: Around Here

The Run Ladies Run Half Marathon ran well…!

Written on October 18, 2010 at 9:06 am, by

Yesterday the first Run Ladies Run Half Marathon started around 9am with an auspicious opening of the clouds to allow the sun to shine on the event at the start…it was a cool & pleasant day for the run, which went from Town out to False Bay & back for the 13.1 mile course. Over  Continue Reading


Written on October 18, 2010 at 8:14 am, by

Yesterday Nikki Fink passed away…condolences & heartfelt love to her mom & dad Yvonne & Gary Bowman, her boy Xander, and her partner Adam. She was surrounded by friends and family…. Here was the post last week bout Nikki. Cynthia Elliot (Adam’s mom) is in Seattle with the family… Dearest Nikki ~ You were a  Continue Reading

Going to Turin, Italy…

Written on October 17, 2010 at 10:06 pm, by

Remember Madden, who ran Steps restaurant for years in Friday Harbor? He has a place over on Orcas now (the Quilted Pig), and he was chosen to go to Italy next week – here’s more from Linda & Maureen with the local Slow Food movement: Hi Ian – Yes, Madden’s going as our Land &  Continue Reading

Join the Friends of the San Juan Update

Written on October 17, 2010 at 12:02 am, by

If you’re already on Facebook, it’s easy…just click here and punch the “like” or “join” button or whatever it is. If you’re not on Facebook, I am NOT gonna try & talk you into it.

Sound health, and sound life…

Written on October 16, 2010 at 7:38 am, by

It goes without saying that we live in one of the most beautiful parts of the world. There, I said it. One of the underappreciated, and sometimes unnoticed, parts of this island: the sounds. And sometimes the absence of them. We don’t have much in the way of traffic noise or industrial noise or crowd  Continue Reading

Oktoberfest at the Rumor Mill on Saturday!

Written on October 16, 2010 at 12:01 am, by

Oren & Peggy has something special tonight: Let’s Roll out the Barrel, it’s Oktoberfest time once again! Friday Harbor’s own Van Alen Blaskepelle Oktoberfest Band will make a command performance Saturday evening, Oct 16th, 6-9pm at the Rumor Mill on First Street. A portion of the evening’s proceeds will benefit the Friday Harbor High School  Continue Reading

The amazing wildlife around here…humpbacks on the loose!

Written on October 15, 2010 at 9:33 am, by

They’re big – can’t miss ’em. And it’s pretty awesome when the humpbacks come to see us around the island. Here’s the report from Ivan at Western Prince a couple of days ago: This time of the year you never know what you’ll see. Two days ago there were 12 humpbacks between Race Rocks and  Continue Reading

Making fresh lavender sachets & fetish dolls…

Written on October 15, 2010 at 9:05 am, by

I caught up with Francie Hansen today at the Village at the Harbour where she and Beth Spadafora were making fresh lavender sachets with resident seniors. Francie will be teaching a Fetish Doll Making workshop on Saturday, October 23rd at the Island Artist’s League’s new studio located at 774 Mullis St. (the big blue building  Continue Reading

Around the island….

Written on October 15, 2010 at 8:40 am, by

Let’s see what’s going on around here…. • It’s today! Bob Stavers & Judy Chovan are traveling – they were in Boulder yesterday, as they cross Colorado –  and what better time to have a birthday! Happy Birthday, Judy! • It’s a new business on the island – Pat & Stella hope to get Zip  Continue Reading

Drop by Ernie’s Café!

Written on October 15, 2010 at 7:56 am, by

Yesterday Josie & I went out to check out Ernie’s Café – have you been there lately? Christine and Patrick (you recognize them from the Market Chef and Bakery San Juan, and other places around town before that) just bought the little spot, and I hope you get a chance to go visit them soon!  Continue Reading

Holiday plans…in Victoria

Written on October 14, 2010 at 10:33 pm, by

If you gotta go somewhere for the holidays, why not right next door? And…why not let Shannon & Bill Bailey take you with the Pacific Catalyst? I asked Shannon how it all works, and here’s the scoop: Friday Harbor to Victoria Trips aboard the MV Catalyst: December 3-5, December 10-12 and December 17-19, 2010 These  Continue Reading

Helping Nikki out….

Written on October 14, 2010 at 3:10 pm, by

After Gary Bowman’s motorcycle accident a couple of years ago, I got to know his daughter Nikki because she did so much to help with his recovery…seemed like she was always there, making things better for her dad. Now she needs a helping hand…here’s a note from Rosalie & Scott Webster: More than likely, you  Continue Reading

Robot folks needed!

Written on October 14, 2010 at 2:43 pm, by

Larry Wight tells me he & Nick are looking for folks to help with this competition, at Friday Harbor High: LOOKING FOR MENTORS TO HELP BUILD AN UNDERWATER, REMOTE CONTROLLED, ROBOT (ROV) WITH STUDENTS FHHS, in conjunction with Spring Street International School and Paideia School, is forming Middle School and High School robotics clubs to  Continue Reading

Training to begin for Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault Services…

Written on October 14, 2010 at 12:56 pm, by

My friend Patty Brightman tells me this is a great opportunity for people who want to help to get the training they need. I’m telling you now so you have time to call & sign up ahead of time…here’s more: Would you let folks know that Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault Services (DVSAS), in commemoration  Continue Reading

Thursday’s news….

Written on October 14, 2010 at 1:15 am, by

Let’s see what’s happening around the island: • Just heard from Dot that the last SJI Garden Club meeting was well attended AND they signed up some new members. Way to go! Here’s the next meeting on the schedule: Could you let your readers know of the San Juan Island Garden Club‘s November 2 meeting  Continue Reading

Morning has broken….

Written on October 13, 2010 at 9:19 am, by

It was a great sunrise (through the fog) this morning…Kevin Holmes sent over this sunrise that he took from the red eye ferry the other day (thanks, Kevin!) And…here’s a song to go with it, with Cat Stevens: