Topic: Around Here

Now you can burn…

Written on September 29, 2010 at 6:41 am, by

San Juan County Fire Marshal Steve Marler says it’s OK to burn, starting this weekend: OPEN BURNING SEASON BEGINS Effective October 1st, residential and commercial burn permits are available for purchase. Residential permits allow for fires up to ten feet in diameter.  The permit fee is $15.  Permits will be valid through June 30, 2011.   Continue Reading

Happy 150th, Friday Harbor Presbyterian Church!

Written on September 28, 2010 at 1:53 pm, by

Torrey just sent this over – everyone is invited to drop by & hear stories from the early days (for European settlers) on the island: 150 Years of Island History and the Presbyterians in Pictures and Stories Nickels in the offering plate; a romance with the school teacher? Friday Harbor Presbyterian Church is the oldest  Continue Reading

Artstock spotlight: Kristy Gjesme & Margaret Thorson

Written on September 28, 2010 at 1:36 pm, by

As we continue to look over some of the artists who are taking part in this weekend’s Artstock, consider dropping by to see Kristy & Margaret’s work: Kristy Gjesme’s studio will be open both days of Artstock, October 2nd and 3rd. Kristy will have watercolor set up so people can experiment, play, or learn a  Continue Reading

Around the island….

Written on September 28, 2010 at 9:14 am, by

• It’s going to be a special meeting – I’ve eaten meals that Farhad’s made with food from his garden, and he’s the real deal. Here’s more from the Garden Club folks about the next meeting, which is October 5th: Ian, could you include a reminder in the Update that the San Juan Island Garden  Continue Reading

Meet the next sheriff….

Written on September 28, 2010 at 7:18 am, by

San Juan Island voters get a chance to visit with and question the two candidates for San Juan County Sheriff on Tuesday (the 28th), as the Journal of the San Juans sponsors a candidate forum at 5pm at the Gubelman Room at the Community Theatre. Rob Nou and Brent Johnson will offer opening statements, then  Continue Reading

Artstock spotlight: Paula West Pottery

Written on September 27, 2010 at 12:45 pm, by

With Artstock coming up I took a drive out to the west side of the Island to visit Paula West at her studio on MacGinitie Road. Paula’s studio will be open to visitors during Artstock the first weekend in October. If you’ve never seen Paula’s studio this is an opportunity well worth taking advantage of.  Continue Reading

Glistening in the sun….

Written on September 27, 2010 at 12:01 am, by


Written on September 26, 2010 at 4:58 pm, by

As our Indian Summer slides into October you may notice signs of Artstock around town. Artstock, San Juan Island’s autumn arts festival, is happening the weekend of October 2nd & 3rd. Local artists will be opening their studios and galleries will be staying open late with music, hors de vors, and artist’s sharing their talents. You can find  Continue Reading

Friday bits of this and that….

Written on September 24, 2010 at 10:34 am, by

Let’s see what’s going on… • Finally, they’re at home! Cassie has more about the youth football teams: Hi Ian- We have home games this weekend for Tiger Youth Football.  The first game starts at 10:30am and the last one starts at 4:30pm.  Our concession stand will be up and running with barbecued hot dogs  Continue Reading

The San Juan Island Community Foundation rocks the island…

Written on September 24, 2010 at 9:54 am, by

This morning the San Juan Island Community Foundation held their Breakfast of Champions breakfast, and it was cool to see the incredible breadth & scope this amazing community organization reaches on our island. Board chair Charlie Anderson announced that the SJICF has handed out over $1.6 million dollars to community organizations this year so far  Continue Reading

Helping the kids gear up for school…

Written on September 23, 2010 at 7:08 am, by

“Wow, thanks!” That’s what superintendent Rick Thompson said when Islanders Bank’s Michele Morton brought over the school supplies that had been donated over the past month. The Bank’s annual Gear Up! program asks islanders to donate pens, colors, paper, calculators, dictionaries, and things with Hannah Montana on ’em, which are passed on to the schools  Continue Reading

New class -just one more person needed!

Written on September 23, 2010 at 12:02 am, by

This class sounds like fun, if you ask me – and Sally at Island Rec says it’s close to being able to start – here’s more: Moving Parts and Healthy Hearts is a specialized exercise class that will be taught by senior fitness guru Seanene Kenned, on Tues and Thurs mornings 9:30-10:15am beginning October 5.   Continue Reading

Breakfast of Champions set for Friday…

Written on September 23, 2010 at 12:01 am, by

Charles Anderson wanted to let you know this is set for tomorrow, with over $50K to be dispersed to folks who help make things better in our community – here’s more, from the San Juan Island Community Foundation: 10th Annual Breakfast of Champions The San Juan Island Community Foundation is pleased to announce its 10th  Continue Reading

Train now, run then: The Run Ladies Run Half Marathon on the 17th!

Written on September 21, 2010 at 12:27 pm, by

I’ll have a little more later on the Half Marathon (check here, for a start), but here’s a video of the beautiful course around the island, introduced by organizers Boo Boo & Kerry:

Around the island….

Written on September 21, 2010 at 9:33 am, by

Let’s see what’s going on around here: • Jack Cory tells me the Rotary Club will be meeting each week at Downriggers each Wednesday at 8am…new members are always welcome, too! • Adam Paull wants you to know: Jim and Ruthie Paull of San Juan Jewels celebrated their 43rd wedding anniversary September 16th. Wahoo! Way  Continue Reading

What if we had a happy planet? Here’s Nic Marks

Written on September 21, 2010 at 9:12 am, by

Most of the stuff that’s been written up or put on-screen for the past decades has focused on how terrible things are, and how fear is somehow appropriate. I don’t buy it. Fear doesn’t get the job done. There are other ways to measure things besides money. A nation’s welfare can hardly be measured by  Continue Reading