Topic: Around Here

On sale at the book store….

Written on September 7, 2010 at 8:29 am, by

It was fun to see Dana Lyons’ Cows With Guns book in the window at Serendipity Books yesterday… His video for the song has several versions on You Tube, but they have a combined nearly two million visitors over the time that they have been up. Have you seen it lately? Carol at the bookstore  Continue Reading

Tuesday morning….

Written on September 7, 2010 at 8:16 am, by

Let’s check it out – really feels like summer’s on the fade with the rain yesterday & today, and with the sounds of it through the evening…let’s see what’s up: • I love it when things overlap – someone on the ferry Sunday asked if the killer whales still come out in the rain, and  Continue Reading

Sunset…pretty in pink…

Written on September 7, 2010 at 7:33 am, by

Garage sale – drop by!

Written on September 3, 2010 at 2:46 pm, by

Ken Fuller‘s having one all weekend We are having a moving sale this Sat. Sun and Monday that we would like to have posted on the Update. Sorry for the late notice. The address is 50 Marion place located near Snug Harbor. Hope you can help with this. Lylian Merkley and Ken Fuller

Around the island….

Written on September 3, 2010 at 8:11 am, by

Let’s see what’s going on around our blesséd isle: • Whoa – have you seen all the classes Victoria at the Economic Development Council is offering this fall, mostly to help you with your business? Check them out here. • I wonder if you can help Leah Altman and her host brother out – call  Continue Reading

Music around the island, this weekend…

Written on September 3, 2010 at 7:15 am, by

When you look around the island for music this weekend, you don’t have to look far – remember to keep your mills (Rumor Mill & Peppermill) and harbors (Port of Friday Harbor & Roche Harbor) straight: • Dave Calhoun brings his mix of tropical rock to Roche Harbor at 3pm on Friday & Saturday, and  Continue Reading

Last weekend…Only A Ridgeline Away

Written on September 2, 2010 at 5:47 pm, by

Jan from the Community Theatre has this report (and the other folks who have seen the show tell me they really liked it): The buzz is out there and the reviews are great for Miguel Herbert’s “Only a Ridgeline Away,” the second of two locally written, full-length adult plays produced this summer at SJCT.   The  Continue Reading

Meanwhile, on the island….

Written on September 2, 2010 at 10:28 am, by

Let’s catch up a bit around here…. • Last weekend the Island Arts League celebrated their open house and the opening of their new studio space at 774 Mullis Street (behind Whidbey Bank)…thanks to Trudy Dallas, the IAL’s new president, they have a large, light-filled spot. The IAL is a gathering of artists with the  Continue Reading

Updating the Update….

Written on September 2, 2010 at 9:40 am, by

The last couple of days I was doing some updates to the Update’s backend, so we were offline, but today I think we have everything working, so I’ll be catching up with you. Thank you to all who wrote or called with your concerns…no, we weren’t hacked; no, I didn’t go fishing (shoulda, though); yes,  Continue Reading

Tuesday in the rain & the wind…

Written on September 2, 2010 at 12:00 am, by

It was nice to hear the rain this a.m. and to feel the earth soaking it up…the weather report says something about a 90% chance it’s gonna be wet & wetter today, then dry out later in the week. Here’s more: • This weekend, Ruth at waterworks gallery presents Caroline James for a special exhibition  Continue Reading

Today is site maintenance day!

Written on September 1, 2010 at 7:09 am, by

As you can see, I have a little cleanup on the site today, so I won’t be posting news till later today…thanks for checking in!

The Concours d’Elegance rocked…

Written on August 30, 2010 at 9:53 am, by

It was a cheerful, nearly sunny day on Sunday at the San Juan Vineyards, where this year’s Concours d’Elegance was put on by the Rotary Club. People came from all over the sound to show off their sports cars, and it was pretty awesome. As Josie & I walked around, we noticed we kept hearing,  Continue Reading

Singalong Simon & Garfunkel…

Written on August 30, 2010 at 8:58 am, by

Remember S&G’s Central Park Concert in 1980? Here’s the song they started off with….

Around the island….

Written on August 27, 2010 at 9:21 am, by

Little of this, little of that… • There’s a lot of things to do around the island this weekend…see you out & about! If you see some kids who look a little weary, that’s because the high school sport seasons began this week with fall practice. And…school is actually going to start soon. That always  Continue Reading

Thursday’s news….

Written on August 26, 2010 at 10:08 am, by

Let’s see what’s up around here…. • Colleen & Bill at San Juan Safaris said it was an honor to be chosen when congressmen came to the island earlier this week…here’s more from Colleen: San Juan Safaris took Rep. David Obey, D-Wis., chairman of the Appropriations Committee; Rep. Jim Moran, D-Va., chairman of the Subcommittee on Interior,  Continue Reading

Opening tonight…

Written on August 26, 2010 at 9:22 am, by

Tanya at the Community Theatre reports:

Only a Ridgeline Away opens August 26 at San Juan Community Theatre

A story of the incredible bond of friendship forged between comrades-in-arms opens THIS Thursday, August 26 at 8 pm — the second locally written, full-length, adult play produced at San Juan Community Theatre.