Topic: Around Here

The movement begins: Save Our Bunnies

Written on July 26, 2010 at 6:34 am, by

People around the island reacted with interest to the news that the Parks Service has decided to shoot the “non-native” rabbits at American Camp…and some have joined to make a movement to protest (and if possible, stop) the action. There is a meeting from 1-3pm tomorrow (Tuesday) at the Mullis Center y the National Park  Continue Reading

Just off Snug Harbor…

Written on July 24, 2010 at 10:41 am, by

Jim Maya tells me that yesterday he didn’t have to go far – when he took folks out whale watching, the killer whales were just off the marina at Snug Harbor, which is where he operates from. They hung out there most of the day…. At San Juan Safaris, Tristen reports that a couple made  Continue Reading

House price goes down…

Written on July 23, 2010 at 3:52 pm, by

You’ve been looking to buy a family house (or maybe home office) on the island, and want to be close to the water & town….here’s the one you’ve been looking for. Check it out – only $299K!

Around & about….

Written on July 23, 2010 at 9:34 am, by

Let’s see what’s going on…. • The Attic Treasures sale is this weekend – here’s more from Jan: Treasures at the PARC July 24 From the Chippendale dining table and chairs that starred in last winter’s play, The Dining Room, to jewelry, golf clubs, a leather bench/ottoman and more, the Community Arts Theatre Society’s (CATS)  Continue Reading

Check out the show at the Community Theatre….

Written on July 23, 2010 at 8:40 am, by

Jan from the Community Theatre has more… Smugglin’ Fun Opens Friday! Imagine rare and expensive wine floating ashore on the beach.  Add some missing diamonds, measure in two zany couples, a touch of law enforcement and a snoopy neighbor.  Introducing The Connoisseurs, written by Cape San Juan’s Ed Strum and directed by Merritt Olsen, and  Continue Reading

Music around town….

Written on July 22, 2010 at 8:27 am, by

Looks like folks have a lot going on…this isn’t everything, but here’s what I know about: • Tonight at the Rumor Mill, Avery Adams teams with Shay Byington & Cam Byington as New Latitude with a mix of originals, covers, and just plain good stuff from 8-10pm. • Friday, New Latitude helps the Pepper Mill  Continue Reading

I read the news today, oh boy….

Written on July 21, 2010 at 2:46 pm, by

Let’s see what’s going on, around the island…. • It’s a quiet wedding, but a cool deal – Aaron King (he runs the Palace Theatre) and Ashley Wright are getting hitched this weekend…congrats, you two! • Jenny at the Whale Museum tells me that actor Tom Hanks & his family dropped by the museum yesterday….cool.  Continue Reading

Be the One….

Written on July 21, 2010 at 1:57 pm, by

Most of you know that I started to grow up in the southern United States (not done yet, but you knew that, too). Because of that, and because of other environmental protection/restoration work I do, the events of the past five years in the Gulf have struck a place in my heart. You all saw  Continue Reading

Shoot the rabbits? Some say “No!”

Written on July 21, 2010 at 12:47 pm, by

The Parks folks reported earlier this month they intend to decrease the number of rabbits down American Camp way by shooting the ones that are from European descent, raising several questions. Some islanders plan a protest on Friday, and Janet Thomas explains why: S.O.B. Save. Our. Bunnies. A real-life visit to American Camp will confirm  Continue Reading

Getting your car fixed?

Written on July 21, 2010 at 9:48 am, by

They’re off to a good start – Tami Ashcraft has put together a new car shop in Friday Harbor, located across from the water tower (the one next to the old baseball field), which is called Finish Line Auto Repair. And she hired Jesse Littleton, who operated his shop down at the bottom of Argyle  Continue Reading

The Sailing Foundation’s Open House!

Written on July 21, 2010 at 8:56 am, by

Around the rock….

Written on July 20, 2010 at 9:18 am, by

Let’s see what’s going on ’round here…. • It’s finally here – Relay for Life kicks off Saturday at the high school track, with a pretty good early week weather report (last year’s thunderstorms kinda make you look, right?) for the weekend. See you there, to cheer for the survivors and to remember. • Wags  Continue Reading

Tsunami Blue… local author places her story in the islands

Written on July 20, 2010 at 8:10 am, by

The island is so full of talent & folks who make & write beautiful things & music, you just run into ’em everywhere, it seems. So it didn’t terribly surprise me to meet Gayle Ann Williams, who runs the tee-shirt (and more) behind the Crabhouse across from the ferry landing last week. I asked her  Continue Reading

Enso plays Saturday at the Rumor Mill….

Written on July 20, 2010 at 7:53 am, by

Looks like there’s music in the air, as Enso plays at the Rumor Mill this Saturday. The versatile group will offer jazz from roughly 6-7pm, with rock from 7:30-9:30pm. That’s Saturday… Haven’t heard them lately? This will catch you up:

Let’s go with less this year: 5.5 tons of garbage from the Fair

Written on July 20, 2010 at 12:42 am, by

It’s easy, it’ll help the County Fair’s Budget, and it’s the right thing to do – here’s more from Helen as we all come together to lighten our step on the island….and the planet: The recycling rate for the 2009 County Fair was 11.2%.  Could we do even better this year to pump up that  Continue Reading

The Fly-In is this week!

Written on July 19, 2010 at 12:01 am, by

Port of Friday Harbor Airport Manager Dave Ryan and his crew are pretty excited about this one – here’s more: Get ready for the first ever Fly-In in Friday Harbor Airport!  On Saturday, July 24, the airport won’t just be the place you go to get to the Island, it will be the place to  Continue Reading