Topic: Around Here

Thought for the day…..

Written on July 2, 2010 at 3:14 am, by

Got this from Angela Sun (she works with Yahoo Sports)… see how this helps shape your day:

Bits of what’s happening….

Written on July 1, 2010 at 7:42 am, by

Good morning! In the next couple of days, there are things going on: • Deputy Chief Tom Eades says the Town’s new fire truck is supposed to arrive this evening on the ferry, and will be in the parade Sunday, although it won’t be ready to use for a bit, while they get it ready.  Continue Reading

Sex shot….

Written on June 30, 2010 at 3:44 pm, by

Captain Ivan from Western Prince says the Center for Whale Research used his picture of baby calf L113 (first seen last October) to identify her sex – here’s the picture. Great photo, Ivan!

Opening this weekend….

Written on June 30, 2010 at 11:00 am, by

The IMA’s Wendy Smith says this is gonna be a great one – and it includes local folks, too! Here’s more: Green: ON THE EDGE, a visual arts mixed media competition, opens this 4th of July weekend and runs through the summer until September 12th at IMA, on First Street in Friday Harbor. A mix  Continue Reading

What’s up around the island….

Written on June 30, 2010 at 10:44 am, by

Let’s see what’s up…. • Remember we talked about how up-and-coming singer Rhiana Franklin was singing at that contest in Seattle (or somewhere that way….)…? Well, the thing was on Friday, and out of 14 folks who sang, she was the runner-up to the guy who won. Rhiana will be singing around the island (and  Continue Reading

Our all stars….

Written on June 30, 2010 at 9:01 am, by

It’s so cool to see what our kids are doing this summer, and the cool stuff parents are doing with them. Denyse passed over this story of our baseball guys in action (I think it’s great the coaches & parents find time – make the time – to make this happen!)….here’s more: Hi, Ian! I  Continue Reading

Homecoming: Joe’s here this weekend!

Written on June 29, 2010 at 5:07 pm, by

He graduated from Friday Harbor High in 1987, and lived on San Juan Island till 1997, when he moved to the big city (that would be Seattle) to make his way there. During that time, Joe Bongiorno has become one of the leading performers on the internet’s leading piano music radio websites, Whisperings, and has  Continue Reading

Bluebirds get banded….

Written on June 29, 2010 at 12:55 pm, by

They used to be all over the islands….then the last ones were spotted in the sixties. Now, it looks like the bluebirds are back. Looks like the Western Bluebird Reintroduction Project for the San Juan Islands is going well…started in early 2007, when eight pair of the birds were re-located here from the Fort Lewis  Continue Reading

The Bean’s new owners….

Written on June 28, 2010 at 10:35 pm, by

Jim Carroll says there are new owners for the Bean coffeehouse as of this past weekend… Gordy & Lori did an awesome job of making it into a happenin’ place that was busy everytime I checked over the past month – here’s more from Jim: Gordy & Lori Petersen, owners of The Bean, just sold  Continue Reading

Lunar eclipse this past weekend…

Written on June 27, 2010 at 10:42 pm, by

Pig War Museum….going down

Written on June 27, 2010 at 10:30 pm, by

It’s one of the landmarks of the island, and its time is short. Here’s the scoop from Mary Elford: To Whom It May Concern: The Pig War Museum at Tucker and Guard will be dismantled in the very near future. We are looking for thoughtful ways to disperse most all the contents in the dioramas. So far  Continue Reading

Island stuff….

Written on June 25, 2010 at 1:26 pm, by

• Studies have shown that the incredible amount of toxins discovered in sperm whales doesn’t bode well for the whales…or humans. Here’s more. • Kristina Anderson (she played soccer for the Wolverine Women & graduated from FHHS in ’01) delivered Griffin Robert Landies on Friday, June 18th at 8:01pm, a healthy 9 pounds 1 ounce,  Continue Reading

Quote of the day….

Written on June 25, 2010 at 12:40 am, by

As the USA amps up for their Round of 16 match on Saturday with Ghana, it reminds me of this: “Years have gone by and I’ve finally learned to accept myself for who I am: a beggar for good soccer. I go about the world, hand outstretched, and in the stadiums I plead: ‘A pretty  Continue Reading


Written on June 24, 2010 at 11:52 pm, by

My friend Judy shares this cool story about Bob: Hi Ian: Thought I would let you know you what Bob Stavers was up to last weekend. He raised more than $5,000 for Lance Armstrong’s Livestrong Foundation – which is helping to find cures for cancer and provide cancer patients with resources, and more. He rode  Continue Reading

New store in a historic place…

Written on June 24, 2010 at 12:11 pm, by

Next time you’re heading out Cattle Point Road, you’ll notice the red store at the top of the hill near Madden Road – that used to be the main grocery store on the island, established in 1896, called the Corner Store. That’s the historic part of this story… This spring, Regan Taylor has set up  Continue Reading

Where to eat? A couple of ideas…

Written on June 24, 2010 at 10:18 am, by

Yesterday I wanted to get out & see what was going on in town, and I found a couple of places & deals you’ll want to know about… Every Wednesday at 11:45am at the Mullis Center, there’s a “Lunch for All” that I got to sit in on…for a $5 suggested donation (but you can  Continue Reading