Topic: Around Here

Helping with the oil spill….

Written on June 9, 2010 at 12:05 am, by

There’s been a general feeling of helplessness about that spill (or more correctly, gusher) in the Gulf amongst folks here on San Juan Island….what can we do? Well, my friends Simon (sixth grade next year) & Lilah (first grade) have a pretty good idea – bring your old used nylons over to Compost-It on Nichols  Continue Reading

Good music….

Written on June 7, 2010 at 6:48 pm, by

Sitting here, listening to Enso’s EP The Axioms, I find myself wishing you could hear it, too. One of those things…I keep the album in the mix of what I listen to during the day, partly because I like to hear it, partly hoping that the creativity that went into it will somehow rub off  Continue Reading

The Marathon – a good run!

Written on June 7, 2010 at 6:04 pm, by

This past weekend’s San Juan Island Marathon was another smoothly run affair that brought nearly 250 runners and their support teams to the island for a nice run around the island. This year’s race featured a nice contingent of local runners mixed with mostly folks from off-island. I’ve always thought this is a great shoulder-season  Continue Reading

Around the island….

Written on June 7, 2010 at 8:49 am, by

Sunny days ahead…. • The Pavillion at Roche Harbor was packed last night with folks who came by to wish Lori Holforty well…there was music (the Jesus Chords) & an auction (way to go, auctioneer Boo Boo & all the people who donated!) & great food (awesome job, Bill Shaw & the crew) and a  Continue Reading

It’s a new year for Club Mud…with a blast from the past

Written on June 7, 2010 at 7:42 am, by

Towards the end of this month, it’s time for Leisha Holmes’ Club Mud workshops for kids…these have been going for years, as you can tell by the pictures here. So, for fun, I put together some photos from past years that I got from Leisha, which include some kids who are sophs & juniors in  Continue Reading

Movin’ on….

Written on June 4, 2010 at 5:11 pm, by

The big house move was today, as Lynn Danaher & Nickel Brothers moved that house from Franck Street the back way past the elementary school, onto Argyle Street (where these pictures were shot) to the spot next to the Surina Business Park which will be its new home.

Barbershop Bonanza this weekend

Written on June 4, 2010 at 4:04 pm, by

Jan at the Theatre wanted you to know: Sweet Harmonies on the Whittier stage June 6 The popular Barbershop Bonanza returns to the San Juan Community Theatre on Sunday, June 6 at 2:00 p.m. Off-island crooners and our own homegrown singers, including hosts Island Chordsmen Plus, will fill the stage in the finale of this  Continue Reading

What’s going on ’round the island….

Written on June 4, 2010 at 9:17 am, by

• Hey, Monique Woodward‘s 40th birthday is this week! Happy birthday, Mo! • On the Artists’ Studio Tour this weekend: Music! I heard Kate Schuman is playing from 11am-2pm at Mary McCulloch’s on Sunday, and that Amanda Brast is playing classical guitar from 1-2pm at Laurie Burns’ studio on Saturday. Here’s a map of the  Continue Reading

Today’s little story…

Written on June 3, 2010 at 9:34 am, by

Every so often, the expression “can’t see the forest for the trees” kinda hits me over the head as I get caught up the day’s details. The worst, of course, is when I think I have my act together & I can prove it intellectually. Here’s one of my favorite stories: The Lone Ranger and  Continue Reading

The cat is back….

Written on June 3, 2010 at 8:55 am, by

Remember that lost cat yesterday? Here’s the way that story turned out: Hi Ian! Just wanted you to know that our cat Sammy made it back home last night a little after 11:30pm.  Apparently she wanted to explore the island before we had a chance to show her around!!  A little wet and dirty, but  Continue Reading

New book on the island…come check it out!

Written on June 3, 2010 at 7:12 am, by

If you’ve heard Amy’s poems at the open mike poetry readings around here, or any of her stories, you know she’s a heck of a writer. Now she introduces her new book just in time for Father’s Day. Here’s the scoop, from Griffin Bay Bookstore: Looking for a special Father’s Day gift? Amy Harold will be  Continue Reading

Fundraiser for Lori on Sunday….

Written on June 2, 2010 at 5:17 pm, by

Time to help our friend….Lori Holforty has been diagnosed with stage four pancreatic cancer and needs our help. On Sunday, June 6th from 3-9pm at Roche Harbor Pavilion there will be a fundraiser for her. Tickets are $20, sold at the door or can be picked up at both Market Chef or Haley’s. (Check in  Continue Reading

Meanwhile, a decade later….

Written on June 2, 2010 at 10:18 am, by

If the minister in the scene above from a 1987 episode of MacGyver looks familiar, good – you’ve met Merritt Olsen (you can see the whole show here – Merritt shows up around the 44th minute or so). Well, as far as the island is concerned, he’s having a great run as the Community Theatre  Continue Reading

Around the island….

Written on June 2, 2010 at 8:37 am, by

Looks like a rainy day or two ahead…stay dry! Here’s what’s going on…. • Lee & Mike lost their cat Sam – can you help? Here’s more: We just moved here from Denver two days ago and somehow our cats got outside during the night. We have one and we are looking for Sammy. She  Continue Reading

Get a calendar!! You’re gonna like this one!

Written on June 1, 2010 at 11:32 pm, by

What a cool idea – Whale Museum director Jenny Atkinson & Eagle Home Mortgage owner Julie Corey put on a contest to make a calendar of the best photos of killer whales that people might send in. Last night, they showed off the winners at a showing onscreen at The Whale Museum, and they picked  Continue Reading

If geese can do it…..

Written on June 1, 2010 at 10:43 am, by

Yesterday, against the grey & drizzly skies of Anacortes, I saw & heard these Canada geese honkin’ across the sky above me…here’s the scientific bit about how they get better lift & stay in touch with each other, flying in that precise V formation. The lessons they suggest were pulled together in remarks by Dr.  Continue Reading