Topic: Around Here

The Whale Museum’s Annual Celebration of the Orca Greeting Ceremony is this weekend!

Written on May 20, 2010 at 2:07 pm, by

This is a big deal, and the folks who have gone to it before tell me it’s fun – check it out! Here’s more from Jenny at The Whale Museum: Do you have plans yet for Saturday night? If not, we hope you will join us for our 4th Annual Celebration of the Orca Greeting  Continue Reading

Free jazz tonight at the Mullis Center….

Written on May 20, 2010 at 12:07 am, by

What is there to do on a Thursday night in Friday Harbor? Georgia from the Mullis Center says this is going to be fun: Arlington High School’s “JAZZMINE” Arlington High School’s vocal jazz ensemble will be lighting up the stage at the Mullis Senior Center with a musical variety show/concert this Thursday evening at 7  Continue Reading

Nice plug for Griffin Bay Bookstore…

Written on May 20, 2010 at 12:02 am, by

There’s a nice review of one of our local bookstores on this blog written by Dawn, which makes Griffin Bay Bookstore look like the happening place that it is – check out her remarks. We’re lucky to have the coolest bookstores around – Laura & her crew do a super job at Griffin Bay, and  Continue Reading

Behind Island Studios….

Written on May 20, 2010 at 12:02 am, by

So you go into Island Studios and head through all the cool art & paintings & music to the back, where Claudia has a little bit of a secret garden. There’s sculpture & flowers and a pool, as you can see, as well as places to sit. Check it out next time you’re down that  Continue Reading

Raffle at the Theatre…

Written on May 20, 2010 at 12:01 am, by

During the run of My Fair Lady, you can sign up for the raffle that is raising money for the Community Theatre. I’m not sure how much the raffle tickets are (be sure & get more than one!), but you get a copy of the Julie Andrews CD of My Fair Lady, those chocolates, that  Continue Reading

Coming up….kids’ events to bring out the kid, in you.

Written on May 19, 2010 at 10:26 am, by

Let’s see what the kids are up to…. • It’s one of the big contests of the year – and it’s NOW! Here’s more from Melina at the Library: Design a Bookmark Contest School-aged children on San Juan Island still have a chance to compete in the San Juan Island Library annual bookmark contest.  The  Continue Reading

The island scene….

Written on May 18, 2010 at 1:50 pm, by

What’s happening…. • It’s an island tradition for ages – Club Mud is taking applications to register kids for this year’s workshops for kids from 3 to 18, in different sessions…Leisha Holmes always does a super job wit the kids, who love it. Here’s more, including how to sign up! • Wanna box? Here’s a  Continue Reading

Now certified….

Written on May 18, 2010 at 10:00 am, by

Tawm at Skyline Tree Care says it’s pretty cool – Skyline Tree Care arborist Justin Blevins (who is an ISA Certified Arborist) recently became a PNW-ISA Certified Tree Risk Assessor. Wahoo! Way to go!

Ag Guild gets $375K from the state….

Written on May 18, 2010 at 3:38 am, by

Looks like the Brickworks is a step closer to reality – here’s more from the Ag Guild: The San Juan Islands Agricultural Guild Receives $375,000 in State Funding (this is from May 7th) Governor Gregoire has signed the capital budget bill which includes $375,000 for the purchase of the historic building at 150 Nichols Street  Continue Reading

Reading at Griffin Bay: Ana Maria Spagna

Written on May 18, 2010 at 12:20 am, by

This coming weekend on Sunday, author Ana Maria Spagna is coming to read from her new book at Griffin Bay Bookstore…her tale is compelling, her writing is clear & easy in a way that will make its way into your heart, and I know you’ll be glad you saw her. After growing up in the  Continue Reading

The answer, my friend….

Written on May 18, 2010 at 12:15 am, by

…is blowing in the wind…. Tonight (Wednesday). According to Northwest meteorologist Cliff Mass, a windstorm this year is very unusual, but not unprecedented. Here’s more from him. Meanwhile, here’s Brendon Cowan’s report (he’s the Director of San Juan County Department of Emergency Management): An unusual late spring storm will bring strong winds to the islands  Continue Reading

Meanwhile, back in Australia….

Written on May 16, 2010 at 4:36 pm, by

Great to hear from Nancy Hanson (from the Toy Box) – she’s in grandmother mode visiting her son Joel in Melbourne & his wife Susan & their new baby. Thanks for checking in, Nancy!

Birthday: Tiffany & Scott arrive!

Written on May 16, 2010 at 3:38 pm, by

I had heard that twins Dori & Kate Sears (who are married to twins Dennis & Jerry; they had a kid each about three years ago…you keeping this straight?) Anyway, they had their seconds late last month – here’s the scoop, from Dori & Kate: The Sears Family is thrilled to announce two new additions  Continue Reading

This is EMS Week here on the island….

Written on May 16, 2010 at 12:35 am, by

Anyone who knows them, knows we have possibly the best emergency response setup anywhere – our volunteers are dedicated & well-trained, our incident commanders are solid, and our treatment is awesome. The County Council declared this as Emergency Services Week – here’s more from Alan Roochvarg: “Anytime. Anywhere. We’ll be there” is the theme for  Continue Reading

Bits & pieces….

Written on May 14, 2010 at 8:08 am, by

Let’s see what’s what….. • That humpback caught in the crab netting is still wrapped up – here’s more about that, this morning. • Sports! Track (at Lynden Christian), softball (in Sedro Wooley), and baseball (in Bellingham, at Sehome HS) are all sorting out playoff positioning this weekend, while the San Juan Dragons’ lacrosse playoff  Continue Reading

Teddy Bear Picnic…on Sunday

Written on May 13, 2010 at 11:30 pm, by

Alice Acheson says it’s going to be fun: “BOOK AND A BEAR” Joy will reign at the annual Teddy Bear Picnic on Sunday, May 16 from noon to 2:00 in the Patio Garden of the San Juan Community Theatre. This is the annual FREE event for all San Juan children sponsored by the Theatre’s CATS  Continue Reading