Topic: Around Here

Around here….

Written on April 21, 2010 at 9:18 am, by

Let’s catch up a bit…. • Tonight’s the last night for Pazzo Vivo – drop by when you get a chance! • We have a lot of songwriters around here, but when was the last time you backed it up with a symphony? Here’s what Richard Hieronymus and Devorah have been up to, in a  Continue Reading

Stock up on your book stack at home….

Written on April 21, 2010 at 9:05 am, by

The Library has to do its floor, so they’ll be closed for a week – here’s the scoop from Beth at the library: Library to close for week of April 25 to repair floors The San Juan Island Library will be closing from Sunday April 25 through Sunday May 2 to replace worn flooring. The trustees  Continue Reading

Great way to spend Earth Day weekend…

Written on April 21, 2010 at 8:47 am, by

Linda & Maureen & the Slow Food Folks have a cool movie showing three times this weekend at Friday Harbor House of the documentary “Good Food,” along with the filmakers Melissa Young and Mark Dworkin – hope you can make it! Click here for a review & synopsis – here’s more about the showings from the  Continue Reading

Back from the ‘Stans…

Written on April 21, 2010 at 8:33 am, by

Just got a note from my good friend Judy about what I think is going to be an amazing presentation next week: Modern Journey along the Silk Road On Tuesday, April 27, at 7:00 pm at the Mullis Center, Carolyn Haugen and Judy Chovan will present a slide show on their recent trip to five  Continue Reading

Dana Lyons is coming to town….

Written on April 19, 2010 at 9:20 am, by

It’s too good to pass up – Dana Lyons is dropping by our island in a couple of weeks as part of his tour around the state to promote the release of his new album, Three Legged Coyote. I was lucky to connect with him about it, and we were able to set it so  Continue Reading

Ace Grand Re-opening was awesome…did you see the bear?

Written on April 18, 2010 at 11:24 pm, by

Couple of weekends ago it was awesome & well-attended – the new version of Ace Hardware opened to great crowds, great reviews, and good weather to boot. The part I liked best (besides all the smiling people) was the guy doing chainsaw sculpting…that’s a bear he made, the first day. Wahoo!

Meghan & Brian win the Tri…..

Written on April 18, 2010 at 11:14 pm, by

Paul Hopkins reports the first one was a great one: Goodremont/Hoffman Take Inaugural Title Brian Goodremont and Meghan Hoffman took the male and female top spots at the San Juan Island Fitness inaugural Spring Sprint Triathlon held Saturday, April 17. The event included a 500 yard pool swim, 12.5 mile bike ride and 3 mile  Continue Reading

Bunko – get ready!

Written on April 18, 2010 at 10:57 pm, by

One of the truly cool things the Soroptimist Club does is raising money so they can offer folks tickets to ride the ferry to their cancer-related doctor appointments & treatments – here’s the next one, as detailed by the Club: Bunko Party Fiesta Fundraiser to support Soroptimist Ferry Tickets for Cancer Patients Project Join the  Continue Reading

Outside the window….

Written on April 16, 2010 at 8:55 am, by

The Farmers Market moves outside this weekend!

Written on April 16, 2010 at 8:53 am, by

You know, it was cozy & warm & friendly having the Market at the high school in the dining hall/commons there, but the weather’s good enough to get out now…market manager Rosa Blair tells me the outdoor markets for Saturdays (10am-1pm) begin this weekend and run till October. See you Saturday at the Courthouse parking  Continue Reading

Fundraising at its best…

Written on April 16, 2010 at 12:50 am, by

He’s the best, and this is your best chance to catch him – here’s more: Bob Schwartzberg Presents Advanced Fund Raising Class Bob Schwartzberg is offering a follow-up class for nonprofit fund raisers entitled “Hands on Fund Raising in The Real World: Next Steps” on Tuesday April 27, 2010 8:30am – 4:30am at Skagit Valley  Continue Reading

What’s happening around the isle…

Written on April 15, 2010 at 1:19 pm, by

Let’s see what’s going on… • Last week, proud papa Kenny sent you & me a nice phone pic of his son Wil Christison from Pacific Lutheran, where he & Kasey Rasmussen from FHMS both came within one correct answer of making the final round.  Wait till next year! • You know Duck Soup Inn  Continue Reading

Changes on First Street….

Written on April 15, 2010 at 9:04 am, by

Visited with Mari at Pazzo Vivo yesterday, and she tells me she’s planning to close up next Wednesday, the 21st…then Peggy & Oren Combs are taking over, with plans to renovate & re-open in June as The Rumor Mill. We’ll watch for that…but in the meantime, it’s gotta be said that Mari did an awesome  Continue Reading

Green Rehab…this weekend!

Written on April 15, 2010 at 12:40 am, by

This is cool: talking with experts about practical strategies for rehabbing to save energy, money, and the “character” of our fabulous historic buildings, including existing buildings built 40 or more years ago. Here’s more from Sandy (sign up now!): Rehab Green: Historic Preservation, Weatherization and Sustainable Rehabilitation This event is going to be great and  Continue Reading

Regards to Broadway…

Written on April 14, 2010 at 3:54 pm, by

If we lived in New York, we’d go see shows on Broadway, or maybe off-Broadway. Right? Well, here, we can go see shows either on Guard or off-Guard. Here’s the scoop from Jan at the Community Theatre, as Broadway comes to Guard: “A Night on Broadway” April 17 & 18 San Juan Singers (click here  Continue Reading

New stop light in town….

Written on April 14, 2010 at 11:11 am, by

Proof the apocalypse is upon is: A stop light in town. A faithful reader noted that he saw a red light/green light thing newly installed at the ferry landing, for vehicles getting off the boat. Is this the beginning of us going down the slippery slope of becoming a Real City? Hope not.